So let’s talk about the best metric no one thinks about.

A Good Question

I was working with a client troubleshooting an issue several years back now, and they asked a question that was difficult to answer.

We were troubleshooting a slow query, and the reason it was taking so long was oddly opaque.

  • It wasn’t blocked
  • It wasn’t waiting on CPU or driving the CPU on the server
  • It wasn’t waiting on memory
  • It wasn’t waiting on the disks

So, the usual suspects were out. We didn’t have the plan for this query yet, and were operating without much information yet. So, the client asked the simple question, “If it isn’t waiting on anything, why isn’t it done?”

I thought it a simple question at first, then I really thought about it. With the usual suspects out, we really couldn’t see what SQL Server was doing. What could be taking up that time?

Invisible culprit

It finally occurred to me that just because we weren’t seeing the disks spike didn’t mean we weren’t doing a lot of reads. Logical reads don’t involve the disks; we’re only reading pages that are already in memory. They are faster than physical reads for sure, but that doesn’t mean they are instant.

The logical reads themselves won’t cause waits. They will use some CPU cycles, but in this case we saw no CPU related wait type or a high overall CPU %.

Take the plan above. It took 84 seconds to complete, and only returned 16 rows. But it read millions of rows at the lower levels. If the tables involved are largely in memory, we won’t be waiting on physical IO. It’s a SELECT statement, so it won’t be blocked or blocking if you are using read-committed snapshot isolation level (RCSI, I should blog about that).

With no waits or blocking, how would you see this query is less than optimal unless you are looking for it?

Detecting logical reads

We eventually got the execution plan and it confirmed my suspicion. The plan was reading many, many rows and joining across a number of tables. Once we had the plan, were able to come up with a plan to filter it down faster.

But the lesson here is the effects of logical reads are hard to detect. This makes logical reads a good metric to check for if you want to look at your activity within SQL Server. Here’s an example script for returning the queries with the highest logical reads in the execution cache, centering around sys.dm_exec_query_stats :

	qs.total_logical_reads/qs.execution_count AS ave_logical_reads, 
	qs.total_elapsed_time/qs.execution_count as ave_duration, 
	substring(t.text, qs.statement_start_offset/2+1, 
		(CASE WHEN qs.statement_end_offset=-1 THEN (len(t.text)- qs.statement_start_offset)/2
		ELSE (qs.statement_end_offset- qs.statement_start_offset)/2 END )+1) AS statement_text,
	db_name(t.dbid) as db_name, 
	OBJECT_NAME( t.objectid, t.dbid) AS object_name, 
	qs.total_worker_time AS total_cpu_time, 
	qs.total_worker_time/qs.execution_count AS ave_cpu_time, 
	qs.total_physical_reads/qs.execution_count AS ave_physical_reads
	--,qs.plan_handle, qs.plan_generation_num
FROM sys.dm_exec_query_stats qs 
OUTER APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(plan_handle) AS t
OUTER APPLY sys.dm_exec_query_plan(plan_handle) AS qp
ORDER BY qs.total_logical_reads DESC;

This will let you look through the query stats for anything currently in the cache, but of course a restart of SQL Server or another action that clears the cache will mean there isn’t much to see.

If you use Query Store, you could see the queries with the most logical reads in the last two hours with the following:

	SUM(rs.avg_logical_io_reads) AS sum_logical_io_reads,
FROM sys.query_store_query_text AS qt
JOIN sys.query_store_query AS q
    ON qt.query_text_id = q.query_text_id
JOIN sys.query_store_plan AS p
    ON q.query_id = p.query_id
JOIN sys.query_store_runtime_stats AS rs
    ON p.plan_id = rs.plan_id
JOIN sys.query_store_runtime_stats_interval rsi
	ON rsi.runtime_stats_interval_id = 
	rsi.start_time > DATEADD(HOUR,-2,GETUTCDATE())
ORDER BY SUM(rs.avg_logical_io_reads) DESC


Another point to consider, while physical reads take more time, the difference between the two is somewhat random. Whether given pages are in memory or not will affect how long a query takes, but we can’t really control what’s in memory without taking unusual measures.

Logical reads will always occur, and should be a more consistent measure of how much work a query requires.

Based on the plan, we may also end up reading to the same page in memory many times, for example if we have a cross product in our query.

I hope you find this post helpful.

If you have any topics related to performance in SQL Server you would like to hear more about, please feel free to @ me and make a suggestion.

Please follow me on twitter (@sqljared) or contact me if you have questions.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Hints in SQL Server

I used to be really suspicious of using hints in SQL Server, and now I can’t imagine working without them.

My opinion on this topic changed over the last few years due to a number of the performance issues I’ve worked on. I spoke at SQLSaturday 1000 (Oregon 2020) last weekend, and my talk was primarily about things I learned optimizing garbage collection and similar incremental processes. During that work I ran into a number of issues with queries like this example from the WideWorldImporters database:

	FROM @OrdersGC gc
	JOIN Sales.Invoices inv
		ON inv.OrderID = gc.OrderID;

Order Matters

The logic here is simple enough. Earlier in the process, we found orders we wanted to delete per retention policy, and put the OrderID values in a memory optimized table variable. We then use the motv to delete from all related tables, and finally the Orders table.

This query doesn’t have a WHERE clause. It’s plain to see how we want this to function though. We have 100 rows in our motv, and we want to delete the related rows in Invoices. But I’ve seen issues caused by execution plans that flip the order:

Table variables have no statistics, so the optimizer doesn’t know how many rows to expect from that operation (though table variable deferred compilation in SQL Server 2019 can resolve this) . Occasionally, I would see a plan with a join order that is the opposite of my expectation. The lack of a WHERE clause hurts here, but there’s no clause I can apply that will filter better than the items I already have in my table variable.


I work on hundreds of databases with the same schema. They have different data sets and distributions, different sizes, and their statistics are going to update at different times. But if one of them chooses a bad plan, I have to push aside whatever other work to research the high CPU on database xyz.

Consistency is really valuable to me. And in this case, the answer is simple. Yes, I want to scan the fast, small memory-optimized table variable first, and use it to filter the larger, slower table. Adding a join hint or a force order to this query should keeps its plan and performance consistent.

	FROM @OrderList gc
	INNER LOOP JOIN Sales.Invoices inv
		ON inv.OrderID = gc.OrderID;

	FROM @OrderList gc
	JOIN Sales.Invoices inv
		ON inv.OrderID = gc.OrderID

Both approaches force the join order. The INNER LOOP JOIN hint has the added benefit of ensuring the plan uses a nested loops join. A hash match wouldn’t be efficient with a batch size of a few hundred or a few thousand. A merge join would likely require a sort of one of the inputs, which defeats the purpose.

Index hints

I had to use index hints in an example I was using in my session for SQLSaturday 1000 (Oregon 2020).

DELETE TOP (@BatchSize) vt
FROM Warehouse.VehicleTemperatures vt
WHERE vt.RecordedWhen < DATEADD(DAY, -180, GETUTCDATE());

This was an example of a garbage collection process. The plan didn’t appear to be a problem, but we should be suspicious of the scan here:

The table scan only read 100 rows, but that’s because there is a TOP operator. The first 100 rows met our filter, so the query ended at that point. If no rows (or less than 100) matched, we would have scanned the entire table.

An index exists on the RecordedWhen column; it just wasn’t used. This is another place where a hint seems obvious. Maybe updating statistics would also resolve the issue, but this gives me more certainty.

DELETE TOP (@BatchSize) vt
FROM Warehouse.VehicleTemperatures vt WITH (INDEX(IX_VehicleTemperatures_RecordedWhen))
	vt.RecordedWhen < DATEADD(DAY, -180, GETUTCDATE());

With Great Power

By using hints we are taking some of the responsibility away from the SQL Server, and we can cause entirely new problems. Here are some considerations before you try adding a hint.

  1. Relationships. Make sure you understand the cardinality and relationship between tables. This will inform your expectations about how many rows will be returned where.
  2. Indexes. Understand what options you have on each table in your query. A table may use one index based on the WHERE clause, or another based on the ON clause. The join order and indexes used are related. An index hint may push SQL Server to a specific join order; vice versa with join\order hints.
  3. Index hints can break your code! If you use an index hint in a procedure and later drop the index, SQL Server will not politely ignore your suggestion and move on. The procedure will fail until you remove the hint or recreate the index. So, if you use index hints, be aware of this and always check if any hints reference an index before you drop it.
  4. The most effective filter. If the logic of your statement filters across several tables, consider which one should reduce your result set the most. You probably want that table first in your execution plan.
  5. Test and test again. The new plans may be completely different from what we imagine, so we really must test our hinted queries and procedures with gusto. Test it for a variety of cases to make sure your code works on realistic data sets. In my case, I will sometimes test against large and small restored databases to make sure it performs as expected.

I’ve heard other engineers speak dismissively of hints, but I would encourage you to not discard a useful tool. Just realize you can cut yourself with it.

One of my coworkers recently resolved a performance issue by changing the join order and forcing it with a hint, or “doing a Jared Poche” in his words. Which shows you how often I’ve used hints, and how often they’ve worked.

Hopefully you learned something from this post. Please follow me on twitter (@sqljared) or contact me if you have questions.

Another Example: 

I was reviewing the performance of a procedure recently and stumbled over another pumpkin. 

My last blog post was about the Halloween Problem, and we saw its effects on an UPDATE statement. In this case, it was the same issue but with an INSERT statement. Here’s the code being executed:

INSERT INTO Schema1.Object1 (
		Column4 )
	FROM Object3 Object2
	LEFT LOOP JOIN Schema1.Object1 Object4 WITH(INDEX(Column5))
		ON Object4.Column3 = Object2.Column3
		AND Object4.Column1 = Object2.Column1
		AND Object4.Column2 = Object2.Column2
		AND Object4.Column4 = Object2.Column4
		Object4.Column6 IS NULL

The gist is, we’re trying to insert a record into Object1, assuming said record doesn’t already exist. We’re querying the data we want to insert from a temp table, but joining to the base table to make sure a record doesn’t already exist with the same values.

In the case of an UPDATE statement, if we update fields that are in our query’s search criteria, we could update the same row multiple times. SQL Server’s Halloween protections prevent this, but result in extra work that affect our performance.

The INSERT statement here is similar, trying to insert a record while querying to see if the same record exists. So, again SQL Server adds Halloween protections to our plan:

Plan Analysis

I would have expected us to scan the temp table, then have a LEFT JOIN to the base table. The Table Spool is the red flag that we have an issue with the plan, and is frequently seen with Halloween protections.

The index scan on the base table seems to be overkill since we’re joining on the primary key columns (the key lookup isn’t much of a concern). But we’re likely doing the scan because of the spool; it’s SQL Server’s way of getting all relevant records in one place at one time, breaking the normal flow of row mode operation, to make sure we don’t look up the same record multiple times.

Easy Fix

The data we are trying to insert is being passed into the procedure using a memory-optimized table valued parameter. We’ve queried that into the temp table as another step before our final INSERT SELECT query, because SQL Server will sometimes make poor optimizations when TVP’s are involved (because they have no statistics).

The solution then is an easy one. We move our LEFT JOIN out of the final INSERT, and we make that check as we query the TVP’s data into the temp table. We separate the SELECT against that table from the INSERT; they are now in separate operations, and the Halloween protections are no longer necessary.

If you liked this post, please follow me on twitter or contact me if you have questions.

I encountered something recently I’d never encountered, so I had to share. I was making another change to a procedure I’ve been tuning recently. The idea was to alter the UPDATE statements to skip rows unless they are making real changes. The activity here is being driven by customer activity, and that sometimes leads to them setting the same value repeatedly. Difficult to know how often we update a row to the same value, but we think it could be significant. So, we added a clause to the UPDATE so we’ll only update if ‘old_value <> new_value’. The actual update operator is the most expensive part of the statement, but Simple enough so far. The scan is against a memory optimized table variable, and the filter to the left our our seeks and scans check for a change to our value. Nothing left but to update the index and…

Curve Ball

Wait, what’s all this? We have a Split operator after our Clustered Index Update. SQL Server does sometime turn an UPDATE statement into effectively a DELETE and INSERT if the row needs to move, but this seems a bit much. We have a total of 4 index update/delete operators now, and they aren’t cheap. My very simple addition to the WHERE clause actually caused a small increase in duration, and a big jump in CPU. So what’s going on?

UPDATE Object1
	Column1 = CASE 
		WHEN Variable1 = ? THEN Object2.Column1 
		WHEN Variable1 = ? THEN Object1.Column1 + Object2.Column1 
	Column4 = GETUTCDATE()
FULL OUTER JOIN Variable5 dcqt
	ON Object1.Column9 = Variable2
	AND Object1.Column10 = Variable3
	AND Object1.Column6 = CASE WHEN Variable6 = ? AND Object2.Column2 >= ? THEN ? ELSE Object2.Column2 END
LEFT JOIN Variable7 oq
	ON Object1.Column6 = Object3.Column6
	Object1.Column10 = Variable3
	AND Object1.Column9 = Variable2
	AND Object1.Column2 >= ?
	AND Variable8 < ?
	AND Object1.Column1 <> CASE 
		WHEN Variable1 = ? THEN Object2.Column1 
		WHEN Variable1 = ? THEN Object1.Column1 + Object2.Column1 

So, we’re updating Column1 to the result of a CASE statement, and the last part of our WHERE clause compares Column1 to the same CASE. And the CPU for this statement just doubled? I happened to jog this by the superlative Kevin Feasel, who suggested this was the Halloween Problem.

The Halloween Problem

The Halloween Problem is a well documented issue, and it affects other database systems, not just SQL Server. The issue was originally seen by IBM engineers using an UPDATE to set a value that was also in their WHERE clause. So, database systems include protections for the Halloween Problem where necessary in DML statements, and SQL Server decided it needed to protect this query. And our query matches the pattern for this issue; we’re filtering on a field while we are updating it. All DML statements can run afoul of this issue, and there are examples for all in this really excellent series of posts by Paul White.

An Unlikely Ally

The protection SQL Server employs ultimately comes down to interrupting the normal flow of rows from operators up the plan. We actually need a blocking operator! A blocking operator would cause all the rows coming from the query against our primary table to pool in that operator. We’ll have a list of all relevant rows in one place, and they can be passed on to operators above without continuing the index seek against our table; possibly seeing the same row a second time. Eager spools\table spools are frequently used for this purpose, and SQL Server used an eager spool to provide Halloween protection in my case. A sort would also do, and we could design this query to sort the results of querying the table. If our query already employed a blocking operation to interrupt the flow, SQL Server would not need to introduce more operations to protect against the Halloween Problem. In my case, I definitely don’t want it spooling and creating three more expensive index operations. My idea for rewriting this goes a step farther.

A Two Table Solution

If we queried the data from our base table into a temp table, we could then update the base table without querying that same table on the same column, tripping over a pumpkin in the process. My procedure is already using memory optimized table variables, because this proc runs so frequently that temp tables cause contention in tempdb (described here). So in this instance, I’ll actually query this data into another motv. I can also use the data I stash in my motv to decide if any rows I intended to update don’t exist yet. I’ll INSERT those later, only if needed.


Now, the whole point of the original change was to reduce work when we update a field to be equal to its current contents. In my motv, I’m going to have the old and new value for the field. It would be simplicity itself to put my UPDATE in a conditional, so that we only run the UPDATE if at least one row in my motv is making an actual change to the field. So instead of just reducing the cost of our update operators, we’ll skip the entire UPDATE statement frequently, for only the cost of one SELECT and a write to our motv.


Stunning. The new logic causes this proc to skip the UPDATE statements entirely over 96% of the time. Even given that we are running a query to populate the memory optimized table variable (which is taking <100 microseconds) and running an IF EXISTS query against that motv (which takes 10-20 microseconds), we’re spending 98% less time doing the new logic than the original UPDATE statement. When I started reviewing the procedure several months ago, it took 3.1 milliseconds on average. I’ve tried several other changes in isolation, some effective, some not. The procedure is now down to 320 microseconds; an almost 90% reduction overall after a 71% drop from this change. I have some other ideas for tweaks to this proc, but honestly, there’s very little left to gain with this process. Time to find a new target. If you liked this post, please follow me on twitter or contact me if you have questions.

In my last post, I spoke about optimizing a procedure that was being executed hundreds of millions of times per day, and yes, that is expected behavior.

The difficult thing about trying to optimize this procedure is that it only takes 2.5ms on average to run. Tuning this isn’t a matter of changing a scan to a seek; we’ll have to look hard to find the opportunities here. A one millisecond Improvement on a procedure running 100 million times a day would save 100,000 seconds every day.

Well, I’ve found a few more options since my last post, and wanted to share my findings.


The procedure has some complex logic but only runs a few queries.

  • There are a few simple SELECT statements to populate some variables. These take a small percentage of the overall runtime.
  • There are two UPDATE statements, and we will run one or the other. Both join a table to a table variable; one has a second CTE doing some aggregation the other lacks. The majority of our time is spent running these UPDATEs.
  • An INSERT statement that takes place every time. This is to ensure that if we didn’t update a record because it didn’t exist, we make sure we insert the row. It’s very likely on a given run we will INSERT 0 rows.


Since we 80% of our time in the UPDATE (I love Query Store), that’s the place with the most potential for gain.

But, on first look (first couple) it seems difficult to see room for improvement here. We’re doing index seeks with small row counts. The index scans are against memory optimized table variables, and you may notice they are cheaper than than the index seeks.

But, looking at plan one thing did draw my attention:

There’s a table spool, and following that I see the plan is updating an indexed view. Which we would do every time there’s an UPDATE. Hundreds of millions of times a day…huh. So, removing the index on that view would eliminate this entire middle branch from the plan.

The view is based on two columns that are the first two columns of the clustered PK of the underlying table. The view does some aggregation, but the difference between querying the view or the table is reading 1 row versus maybe 2 or 3 rows, most of the time. Dropping that index seems like a good thing to try.

And I did mention this in my last blog post, but we perform the INSERT statement every execution of the procedure, and we run the trigger on this table even if we inserted 0 rows. So, if we can detect whether the INSERT is needed, we can potentially skip the majority of the executions of the statement and the trigger.

The logic for the procedure uses a TVP and a couple of table variables, which isn’t optimal. SQL Server doesn’t have statistics on table variables, so it’s not able to make good estimates of how many rows are going to be returned (unless you are using table variable deferred compilation in SQL Server 2019). We could change these to temp tables, and see if we have better results. Hopefully, we’ll have a more stable plan across the many databases running it.

Both of the UPDATE statements have a bookmark lookup. We’ll be looking up only a few rows, but this could be a significant improvement for a query that takes so little time. Also, one of the UPDATE statements references the main table an additional time in its CTE. So we have two index seeks plus the key lookup. How much of our time is spent in the second access and the bookmark lookup?


first change

I’ve been working on releasing these changes individually, and the first one is complete. Removing the index on the view, resulted in a 17% reduction in the duration of the procedure (from 2.34ms to 1.94ms), and a 20% reduction in CPU. Come to think of it, not having to update that index would have helped with our INSERT statement as well.

I’ll update this post once I have details on the other changes.

If you liked this post, please follow me on twitter and contact me if you have questions.


Second change

So, the second idea I’ve tried on this issue, is replacing the table variables with temp tables. The idea was that temp tables have statistics and table variables don’t, so we should tend to have better execution plans using temp tables. However, it didn’t work out that was in this case because it also caused pagelatch contention in tempdb.

Tempdb pagelatch contention is a very well documented issue. There are things you can do to mitigate this issue, but at a certain point you just need to create fewer temp tables. I’m not sure where the line is in the case of my environment, but it was clear that creating 3 temp tables in a proc running this often crosses that line.

This change has been reverted, but I’ll update this post again shortly. I should be making the change to skip unnecessary INSERT statements this week.

Skipping Inserts

This change has been made, and the results are fairly minor. The first measure I took showed the average duration of the proc dropping from 1.95 to 1.91 ms, but this varies enough from day to day that I could cherry pick numbers and get a different, even negative improvement.

This confirms something interesting. The cost of the procedure overall was skewed very heavily to the UPDATE statements, with the INSERT being significantly less. The most expensive operator in a DML operation is typically the Insert\Update\Delete operator itself; the step where we actually change data. My expectation all along has been that there were very few rows actually being inserted by our INSERT statement. It seems this is true and since the statement doesn’t actually insert data, the Insert operator doesn’t do work or take any significant amount of time. So we gained very little by this change, at least from the procedure.

This change also prevented us from calling the trigger with empty inserts, so we saw the trigger drop from executing ~350 million times per day to 6 million. This saves us about 14,000 seconds per day. I don’t think about context switching in the context of SQL Server very often, but in addition to the time benefit, there’s a small benefit in just not having to set up and switch to the context for the trigger itself.

Overall a small victory, but I’ll take it.


I should have my final update on this topic in the next week. This will change the logic of one of the UPDATE statements to remove an unnecessary CTE which references the main table, and adds an index hint to use the primary key, removing a bookmark\key lookup from both statements. The first update hits the table twice (once for the nonclustered, another for the key lookup) and the second hits it thrice (because of the CTE), but this change will drop both to 1 access of the PK, and should only query a few rows.

I’m very interested to see how this affects performance, as this should affect the largest part of work done outside of the actual Update operator in those statements.


So my change to the UPDATE statement is out, and the results are pretty good. First, The runtime of the procedure has dropped to 1.399 ms. If you recall, it originally took about 2.5 ms, so we’ve dropped this overall by more than 1 millisecond, which would be 40% of its original runtime.

Second, I love the simplicity of the new plan. The previous anonymized plan is at the top of this post; it took 2 screenshots to cover most of it. In particular, I noticed we were hitting the central table 3 times. Once in a CTE that was doing aggregation that was unnecessary, I removed that entirely. The second reference was in the main query, and it caused a key lookup which was the third access. I hinted our query to use the clustered primary key, which leads with the same two columns that are in the nonclustered index the optimizer seems to prefer.

The index scans are both in memory optimized table variables, and you can see the estimates are lower than accessing the main table in the clustered index seek. I also love seeing that the actual update operator on our left is such a large amount of the effort; that’s what I expect to see on a DML operation that’s tuned well.

In summary

I had 4 ideas originally to tune this query. I wanted to see if we could drop it by 1 millisecond, and we gained 1.1.

  1. Removing the index from an indexed view referencing this table had a significant effect. This required a significant amount of research, as I had to find all the places where we referenced the view and determine if any would experience significantly worse performance without the aggregation from that view. I didn’t see any red flags, and this changed dropped the procedure’s duration from 2.5ms to 1.94ms (22% reduction).
  2. The procedure uses a few in memory table variables with temp tables. The idea is that temp tables have statistics. That could lead to SQL Server making better plans, because it can estimate how many rows are in a given operation. This would work in other cases, but not for a proc that runs this often. Performance was actually slowed because of significant PAGELATCH waits. Every execution we were creating multiple temp tables, and at this pace our threads were constantly waiting on key pages in tempdb. This change was reverted.
  3. Reducing the INSERTs was a gain, but a minimal one. The INSERT statement itself took very little of our time in the procedure. We also got to skip running the INSERT trigger, but that also did not take long to run. It’s possible we ended up with less waiting in the main table, or the table our trigger was updating, but if so the gains were too small to quantify.
  4. Simplifying the logic of the two UPDATE statements that were taking most of the time in the procedure was a success. We went from 3 operations on the only permanent table in our query to 1, and removed an aggregation step we didn’t need. This dropped our runtime from 1.94ms to 1.399ms (27.8%). Every operation counts.

Hopefully you’ve learned something from this post and its updates. If so, please follow me on twitter or contact me if you have questions.

Reducing Trigger Executions

I’ve never been a fan of triggers. I don’t like the idea of them adding an additional tax on every operation. It’s easy to forget they are even there, consuming your cycles. I’ve even seen a few nasty death-by-a-thousand-cuts scenarios with them. But I found something out this week that makes me like them even less.

I was tuning a procedure that runs 284 million times a day.

Over a number of servers and databases, but yes, that number is correct. It takes 2.5ms to run on average, with 1.0ms of CPU time. I’ll spare you the math, but that means over 3 cores of SQL Server are doing nothing but running this procedure 24/7/365. Anything we can do to improve this will be significant, even if we just shave off half a millisecond.

Small Improvements

The procedure is attempting to update or insert a few records based on a TVP input. Sometimes we run an UPDATE statement, but update the column to its current value based on one input parameter. Based on another parameter, we may filter out all rows and update nothing. But in both cases, even though we haven’t changed any data we still took the time to run the UPDATE statement. I’m unsure how often those two parameters match one of those two checks, but if we check them first we can entirely skip the UPDATE.

Like I said, every little bit helps.

After the UPDATE, there is an INSERT to make sure if we didn’t UPDATE the row because it doesn’t exist, we INSERT it. There are conditionals around the UPDATE, but not the INSERT. So, we run it every time we run the proc. 284 million times a day. Even if there’s nothing to insert.

Trigger Happy

The revelation is this:

“These triggers fire when any valid event fires, whether table rows are affected or not.”

Ouch. And I really wasn’t aware of this. So, we pay for the INSERT execution every time, even if we don’t need to insert anything. And the INSERT trigger on that table fires as well, trying to update another table even though the INSERTED and DELETED tables are empty. Charming.

But if our TVP had x items to update\insert and our UPDATE statement handled y of them, we only need to try the INSERT if y<x.

We won’t even need to query the underlying table or the TVP; just check the row counts.

We’re likely to update these records many times, and we’ll obviously only insert them once. Checking the execution counts for the INSERT and UPDATE triggers and subtracting the number of executions from this proc, it seems we UPDATE the table several hundred times for each INSERT. So, we should be able to reduce trigger executions by a huge amount.

Well then. I’ll look forward to seeing those executions drop shortly.

If you liked this post, please follow me on twitter or contact me if you have questions.


This change reduced trigger executions and INSERT statement executions from ~350 million per day, to ~5 million.

Graphs like this make me happy. 🙂

Slow Garbage Collection

I encountered a curious issue recently, and immediately knew I needed to blog about it. Having already blogged about implicit conversions and how the TOP operator interacts with blocking operators, I found a problem that looked like the combination of the two.

I reviewed a garbage collection process that’s been in place for some time. The procedure populates a temp table with the key values for the table that is central to the GC. We use the temp table to delete from the related tables, then delete from the primary table. However, the query populating our temp table was taking far too long, 84 seconds when I tested it. We’re scanning and returning 1.4 million rows from the first table, doing a key lookup on all of them. We scan another table to look up the retention period for the related account, as this database has information from multiple accounts, and return 8.4 million rows there. We join two massive record sets, then have a filter operator that gets us down to a more reasonable size.

In general, when running a complex query you want your most effective filter, that results in the fewest rows, to happen first. We want to get the result set small early, because every operation after becomes less expensive. Here’s part of our anonymized query:

   Object5.Column10 = ?
   AND Object5.Column6 < Variable4 - COALESCE(Object12.Column1,Variable1,?)

So, Object5 is our main table. Column10 is a status column, and we compare that to a scalar value to make sure this record is ready for GC. That’s fine. The second is checking if the record is old enough to GC, and this is where things get interesting. The code here is odd; we’re subtracting a COALESCE of three values from a DATETIME variable, relying on behavior that subtracting an INT from a DATETIME subtracts that number of days from the DATETIME. There’s an implicit conversion, but it is on the variable side of the inequality. And the plan above appears to be our result.

So, Bad Date Math Code?

Seems like a good root cause, and I don’t like this lazy coding pattern, but let’s test it out with tables we can all look at. Would this be any better if we had written this to use the DATEADD function to do the math properly?

USE AdventureWorks2014
--CREATE INDEX IX_SalesOrderHeader_ModifiedDate ON Sales.SalesOrderHeader (ModifiedDate);

FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader soh
	soh.ModifiedDate < DATEADD(day, -1, GETUTCDATE());
FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader soh
	soh.ModifiedDate < GETUTCDATE() - 1;

So, if we had an index on the OrderDate column, would it perform differently?

Apparently not. Same plan, same cost. But when you think about it, this tests the date math by subtracting an integer from the DATETIME provided by GETUTCDATE(). The original was subtracting a COALESCE of three values. One of those values was a float. Could the COALESCE or the resulting data type have made this more complicated?


USE AdventureWorks2014
	@AccoutSetting FLOAT = 8.0,
	@Default INT = 365;
FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader soh WITH(INDEX(IX_SalesOrderHeader_ModifiedDate))
	soh.ModifiedDate < DATEADD(DAY, -COALESCE(@AccoutSetting, @Default), GETUTCDATE());

Running this, again we see a nice seek that reads and returns 100 rows. So the different data type and the COALESCE makes no difference.

Looking at the original query again, the first value isn’t a variable, it’s a column from a different table. We can’t filter by this column until we’ve read the other table, which affects our join order. But we have no criteria to seek the second table with.

Joined Filtering

One more test. Let’s see what the behavior looks like if we join to the Customers table to look for the RetentionPeriod. First, I’ll create and populate some data in that column:

USE AdventureWorks2014
		isc.TABLE_NAME = 'Customer'
		AND isc.TABLE_SCHEMA = 'Sales'
		AND isc.COLUMN_NAME = 'RetentionPeriod'
	ALTER TABLE Sales.Customer
		ADD RetentionPeriod INT NULL;
UPDATE TOP (100) sc 
	SET sc.RetentionPeriod = (sc.CustomerID%4+1)*90
FROM Sales.Customer sc;
CREATE INDEX IX_Customer_RetentionPeriod ON Sales.Customer (RetentionPeriod);

I only populated a few of the records to better match the production issue; only some accounts have the value I’m looking for, hence the COALESCE.

USE AdventureWorks2014
	@Default INT = 365;

FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader soh
LEFT JOIN Sales.Customer sc
	ON sc.CustomerID = soh.CustomerID
	AND sc.RetentionPeriod IS NOT NULL
	soh.ModifiedDate < DATEADD(DAY, -COALESCE(sc.RetentionPeriod, @Default), GETUTCDATE());

Now we’re trying to filter records in SalesOrderHeader, based on the Customer’s RetentionPeriod. How does this perform?


Well, the row counts aren’t terrible, but we are scanning both tables. The optimizer opted to start with Customer table, which is much smaller. We’re not filtering on the date until the filter operator, after the merge join.

I’d be worried that with a larger batch size or tables that don’t line up for a merge join, we’d just end up doing a hash match. That would force us to scan the first table, and without any filter criteria that would be a lot of reads.


The solution I applied to my production query was to create a temp table that had the account ID and the related retention period. I joined this to my primary table, and the query that was taking 84 seconds was replaced with one that took around 20 milliseconds.


USE AdventureWorks2014
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#AccountDates') IS NULL
	CREATE TABLE #AccountDates(
		CustomerID INT,
	@Default INT = 365;

INSERT INTO #AccountDates
	DATEADD(DAY, -COALESCE(sc.RetentionPeriod, @Default), GETUTCDATE()) AS GCDate
FROM Sales.Customer sc
	sc.RetentionPeriod IS NOT NULL;

FROM #AccountDates ad
JOIN Sales.SalesOrderHeader soh
	ON soh.CustomerID = ad.CustomerID
	AND soh.ModifiedDate < ad.GCDate;


Here’s how I’d apply that thought to our example. I’ve created a temp table with CustomerID and its associated RetentionDate, so we could use that to search Sales.SalesOrderHeader.

You may have noticed my filter on the Sales.Customer table. In the live issue, the temp table had dozens of rows for dozens of accounts, not the tens of thousands I’d get from using all rows Sales.Customer in my example. So, I filtered it to get a similar size in my temp table.

Infinitely better. Literally in this case, since the ElapsedTime and ActualElapsedms indicators in the plan XML are all 0 milliseconds. I’m declaring victory.

If you liked this post, please follow me on twitter or contact me if you have questions.

Understanding Cost in SQL Server

Cost is an important concept in SQL Server. It is key in how plans are compared and chosen by the optimizer, and it can guide us to problem operators as we tune a query’s performance. It can also lead us astray if we follow it blindly. In this post, I want to explain what cost is and how we use it.

Many queries (that aren’t trivial) can be executed in a number of different ways. Each index on a table is a possible path for the optimizer to use, and statistics allow the optimizer to determine the cost of a given operation. SQL Server determines what potential plan it will use in large part based on cost. The optimizer isn’t exhaustive. It won’t compare all possible plans; that would take too long.

Let’s take a look at an example query from the AdventureWorks database.

SELECT * FROM Sales.vSalesPersonSalesByFiscalYears 
WHERE SalesPersonID=278

There is a cost provided for each query relative to the batch; that can help you narrow down which statement is the issue if a large batch or procedure is performing poorly. This query is in the only one in the batch. 

This query hits 5 tables, and has a number of joins and other operations. Each operation has a cost displayed here as a percentage of the total query. You’ll notice one operation has a cost of 94%; let’s zoom in. 

This has a cost of 0.54456. This is broken further into an I/O Cost and a CPU Cost. There is also a Subtree Cost, which would include any operators that feed into this one, but in this case there aren’t any. The operator returned 234 rows, but it read over 31k. So the cost seems appropriate; we really are doing some work here. 

The number for cost is always presented without a unit, you may ask 0.54456 of what exactly? Pounds? Parsecs?


The story as I recall was that cost was derived from how long it took an early developer of SQL Server to run a given operation on his desktop computer, in seconds. So initially cost was expressed in seconds, but that’s not the case anymore. It’s a more generic expression of how much work is involved in executing the operation.

Given the cost value is fairly generic, you need an idea of what is a cheap operator or an expensive one. Here’s one of the other index seeks from the query above.

So, we’re doing an index seek not a scan. We not only returned 1 row, we only read one row. In terms of reading a normal table, it’s not going to get any cheaper than this. This cost of about 0.003 is something you’ll see many times for that reason.

So, what constitutes an expensive query? That’s a matter of opinion. You could gauge this by the “Cost Threshold for Parallelism” setting in SQL Server. This is a server level setting that sets how expensive an operation has to be for SQL Server to consider going parallel to perform it. The default setting is 5, so you could argue that’s an expensive query. But this setting is probably quite low for current servers. I think at work, this setting is 100 for most of the servers I work on.

Keep in mind, the cost threshold is for the operation, not the entire plan. 

Cost isn’t exact

One thing to remember is that cost in SQL Server is always an estimate. This is a number SQL Server calculates when considering multiple potential plans to determine which would be the best. But the number of rows it expects a given operation to return or how many times that operation runs can be off. All of that is based on statistics.

It doesn’t then go back and update the cost number later if those numbers were incorrect. So while we can use the cost as an indicator of which query or operator we should focus on, don’t completely tunnel-vision that one thing.

I could talk at this point about estimated plans versus actual plans, but fortunately Grant Fritchey has already done so. The gist of his post is that an actual plan is one that has actual runtime metrics. For example, “Number of Rows Read”, “Actual Number of Rows”, and “Number of Executions” in the images above.

It’s helpful to have plans with these actual numbers; they can help you confirm if the costs look accurate. “Number of Rows Read” is the main data point I look at most of the time.

You may also find the following situation in plans as you look at them:

The optimizer estimated 887 or 888 rows for these operators, but the number of rows returned is much higher. So the cost of 72% for the one operator isn’t really accurate. That operator read and returned many more rows, as did the other related operators. If you saw an estimated plan without these runtime numbers, you may come away with a very different impression of how this query is running.


I’ve always felt cost is not well explained, so hopefully this post will help answer some questions. Understanding cost can be really helpful in troubleshooting poorly performing queries, but don’t focus solely on it when analyzing a problem.

If you liked this post, please follow me on twitter or contact me if you have questions.

The transitive Property

You may recall the transitive property from elementary school math class. It states:

If A = B, and B = C, then A = C

The SQL Server optimizer can and will use this property, and it can lead to issues in your queries. When I’m writing a query, I have a clear idea of how I want it to operate. But using the transitive property, SQL Server has additional options one might not expect, and this may occasionally cause things to go awry. Consider this:

DECLARE @OrderID INT = 110001;

FROM Sales.Orders so
JOIN Sales.OrderLines sol
	ON sol.OrderID = so.OrderID
	so.OrderID = @OrderID;

I’d expect the optimizer to seek the Orders table, then join to OrderLines. But since @OrderID is also equal to sol.OrderID, it could start the query there. There would be little difference; the OrderID column is indexed in both tables and neither table is that large. There’s only 3 OrderLines for this OrderID.

But what if:

  • The CustomerID was present in all tables. And was part of the primary key in each.
  • The data set was larger, with 100’s of millions of rows in our OrderLines table.
  • Statistics were last updated by an auto-update. A table of this size would have a very small sampling rate by default, <1%.
  • Our database has a large number of customers, and we’re running a query to get recent orders for a large customer that haven’t been picked yet.

We may end up with a query like this:

	@CustomerID INT = 55;

FROM Sales.Orders so
JOIN Sales.OrderLines sol
	ON sol.OrderID = so.OrderID
	AND sol.CustomerID = so.CustomerID
	so.CustomerID = @CustomerID
	AND so.OrderDate > DATEADD(DAY,-90,GETDATE())
	AND so.PickingCompletedWhen IS NULL;

If our PK has the CustomerID first, we could use that to search either table. If we don’t have an index with the CustomerID and our dates on Orders, those fields will be in our predicate, not our seek predicate. With poor statistics, the optimizer may seek OrderLines first, returning all lines for that customer, before later joining an filtering it down. In this situation, that could be a mountain of reads.

Countering The transitive Property

So what if you experience or anticipate this issue with a query? I see a few approaches to prevent the bad plan from sneaking up on your server.

  • Join Hints or Force Order: The FORCE ORDER hint would direct the optimizer to hit the Orders table first. A join hint like INNER LOOP JOIN would set the join type, and also force the order. Either would results in seeking the Orders table before joining to OrderLines, preventing our worst case.
  • Index hints: If you hint the optimizer to use an index based on CustomerID and OrderDate, that would point it in the direction of using the Orders table first, avoiding the problem.
  • Better stats: An argument can definitely be made to not use auto-updated stats on a sufficiently large table. I’ve seen sampling rates below 0.1%, and mistakes can be made then. If you updated stats with a large sampling rate, the optimizer will have better information to work with, and that may avoid the worst case.

I thought this property of the optimizer was interesting when I first saw it in play, and I haven’t seen it referred to much. Hopefully this post will give you a little more insight into what the optimizer can do, and how we sometimes need to respond.