I wrote about Parameter Sensitive Plan Optimization in my last blog. In this post, I want to talk about a specific problem you may see in Query Store, depending on how to get information from it.

A Query Store Example

I use Query Store frequently, and I tend to be working on a specific stored procedure at a time. Either I’m evaluating a procedure to see how we can improve its performance, or I’m testing\validating the improvements to that procedure. Here’s an example Query Store script I might use.

	CAST(qsp.query_plan as XML) AS query_plan,
	(rs.avg_duration * rs.count_executions) as total_duration,
FROM sys.query_store_query qsq
INNER JOIN sys.query_store_plan qsp
	ON qsp.query_id = qsq.query_id
INNER JOIN sys.query_store_query_text qt
	ON qt.query_text_id = qsq.query_text_id
INNER JOIN sys.query_store_runtime_stats rs
	ON rs.plan_id = qsp.plan_id
INNER JOIN sys.query_store_runtime_stats_interval rsi
	ON rsi.runtime_stats_interval_id = rs.runtime_stats_interval_id
	qsq.object_id = OBJECT_ID('dbo.User_GetByReputation')
	AND rsi.end_time > DATEADD(DAY,-2, GETUTCDATE())

This query gets the execution stats from the procedure I used in my last blog post against the StackOverflow2013 database. Any executions in the last two days will be included in the results.

Or it should. When I run this I get “(0 rows affected)”.

But I just ran this procedure, so what’s the issue?


This is an example of a query that needs to be updated for SQL Server 2022 with Parameter Sensitive Plan Optimization in place, and the reason has to do with changes made to allow variant queries.

There is a new table in Query Store that is essential to the PSPO feature: sys.query_store_query_variant.

The table is something of a stub, with only three columns. This establishes the relationship between the parent query, variant queries, and the dispatcher plan.

You can see in this case there are two variants for the same parent_query_id. So, for a given query you could LEFT JOIN to sys.query_store_query_variant to find any variant queries it may have, then join back to sys.query_store_query to get the rest of the details for that variant query.

Parent Queries Don’t Execute

But why did my query have no results?

The first issue is that the parent queries and the plan associated with them don’t execute. Joining the tables that give the query, plan, and text is fine, but when we INNER JOIN sys.query_store_runtime_stats and sys.query_store_runtime_stats_interval we lose our results.

Running the same query with LEFT JOINs shows the execution stats are all NULL.

While we are here, if I click on the link for the plan I will see the dispatcher plan. This isn’t a full execution plan, but there is some information about the use of PSPO (the boundaries and details of the statistic used) in the XML.

<ShowPlanXML xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/2004/07/showplan" Version="1.564" Build="16.0.1050.5">
        <StmtSimple StatementText="SELECT &#xD;&#xA;		u.AccountId,&#xD;&#xA;		u.DisplayName,&#xD;&#xA;		u.Views,&#xD;&#xA;		u.CreationDate&#xD;&#xA;	FROM dbo.Users u&#xD;&#xA;	WHERE &#xD;&#xA;		u.Reputation=@Reputation" StatementId="1" StatementCompId="3" StatementType="MULTIPLE PLAN" RetrievedFromCache="false" QueryHash="0x08FD84B17223204C" QueryPlanHash="0x86241E8431E63362">
            <ParameterSensitivePredicate LowBoundary="100" HighBoundary="1e+06">
              <StatisticsInfo LastUpdate="2023-05-19T14:04:14.91" ModificationCount="0" SamplingPercent="100" Statistics="[IX_User_Reputation]" Table="[Users]" Schema="[dbo]" Database="[StackOverflow2013]" />
                <ScalarOperator ScalarString="[StackOverflow2013].[dbo].[Users].[Reputation] as [u].[Reputation]=[@Reputation]">
                  <Compare CompareOp="EQ">
                        <ColumnReference Database="[StackOverflow2013]" Schema="[dbo]" Table="[Users]" Alias="[u]" Column="Reputation" />
                        <ColumnReference Column="@Reputation" />

But if we didn’t execute the dispatcher plan for the parent query, we should have executed the plan for the variant query. Why didn’t we see that in our results?

Variant Queries’ Object_ID = 0 (Adhoc)

The second issue is that variant queries have an object_id of 0 in sys.query_store_query; the same as an ad-hoc query.

I was filtering on the object_id of my procedure to only get results for that procedure, but that doesn’t include our variant queries.

But I can query from the sys.query_store_query_variant table to sys.query_store_query based on the query_variant_query_id to get the details for my variant query, then join to other tables to get the stats I was looking for.

	CAST(qsp.query_plan as XML) AS query_plan,
	(rs.avg_duration * rs.count_executions) AS total_duration,
FROM sys.query_store_query_variant var
INNER JOIN sys.query_store_query qsq
	ON qsq.query_id = var.query_variant_query_id
INNER JOIN sys.query_store_plan qsp
	ON qsp.query_id = qsq.query_id
LEFT JOIN sys.query_store_query_text qt
	ON qt.query_text_id = qsq.query_text_id
LEFT JOIN sys.query_store_runtime_stats rs
	ON rs.plan_id = qsp.plan_id
LEFT JOIN sys.query_store_runtime_stats_interval rsi
	ON rsi.runtime_stats_interval_id = rs.runtime_stats_interval_id
	AND rsi.end_time > DATEADD(DAY,-2, GETUTCDATE());

Getting the runtime statistics isn’t the hard part, it’s just identifying which queries we care about.

Silent Failure

If you use Query Store regularly, and especially if you have any tools or automation built on that information, you’ll need to account for the two points above. Because your existing scripts won’t fail, they will give you incomplete results. This is a case where an actual error would be more helpful; you’d know something had broken.

So, how do we get all the execution details for our procedure? First, let’s see the parent query and its children (updated per the addendum).

FROM sys.query_store_query qsq
INNER JOIN sys.query_store_plan qsp
	ON qsp.query_id = qsq.query_id
LEFT JOIN sys.query_store_query_variant vr
	ON vr.parent_query_id = qsq.query_id
    AND vr.dispatcher_plan_id = qsp.plan_id
LEFT JOIN sys.query_store_query qv
	ON qv.query_id = vr.query_variant_query_id
LEFT JOIN sys.query_store_plan qvp
	ON qvp.query_id = qv.query_id
	qsq.object_id = OBJECT_ID('dbo.User_GetByReputation');

Also, note that sys.query_store_plan has two new columns that are relevant to us; plan_type_desc and plan_type. Query_id 48 is the parent query related to the “Dispatcher Plan”; the variant plan is marked as “Query Variant Plan”. A normal plan would be a “Compiled Plan”.

A Suggested Solution

We could return both, but we don’t really need to. The parent query has no related performance statistics, but we need the parent query to find all the variant queries that allow us to get the execution statistics.

There is one more issue to consider; sys.query_store_query_variant does not exist in a SQL Server instance below 2022. So if we want a procedure that can run on our un-upgraded instances, we’ll need two paths.

Oh, we also want to make sure we don’t miss plans for any queries not using PSPO.

Here’s a simple procedure that does that (which has been updated per the addendum).

USE StackOverflow2013 
CREATE OR ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.QS_GetProcedurePerfDetails
  @Schema_Object NVARCHAR(100),
  @StartDate DATETIME2
		@c_level INT,
		@obj_id INT;

	CREATE TABLE #QueryList (
		query_id INT,
		plan_id INT,
		query_plan NVARCHAR(MAX),
		query_text_id INT,
		plan_type_desc NVARCHAR(120) NULL

		@c_level = db.compatibility_level  
	FROM sys.databases db
		db.database_id = DB_ID();

	SET @obj_id = OBJECT_ID(@Schema_Object);

	-- Based on the compatability level, get IDs for relevant queries and plans
	IF (@c_level < 160)
		INSERT #QueryList
			NULL AS plan_type_desc
		FROM sys.query_store_query qsq
		INNER JOIN sys.query_store_plan qsp
			ON qsp.query_id = qsq.query_id
			qsq.object_id = @obj_id;
		INSERT #QueryList
			ISNULL(qv.query_id,qsq.query_id) AS query_id,
			ISNULL(qvp.plan_id,qsp.plan_id) AS plan_id,
			ISNULL(qvp.query_plan,qsp.query_plan) AS query_plan,
			ISNULL(qv.query_text_id,qsq.query_text_id) AS query_text_id,
			ISNULL(qvp.plan_type_desc,qsp.plan_type_desc) AS plan_type_desc
		FROM sys.query_store_query qsq
		INNER JOIN sys.query_store_plan qsp
			ON qsp.query_id = qsq.query_id
		LEFT JOIN sys.query_store_query_variant vr
			ON vr.parent_query_id = qsq.query_id
            AND vr.dispatcher_plan_id = qsp.plan_id
		LEFT JOIN sys.query_store_query qv
			ON qv.query_id = vr.query_variant_query_id
		LEFT JOIN sys.query_store_plan qvp
			ON qvp.query_id = qv.query_id
			qsq.object_id = @obj_id;

		CAST(ql.query_plan as XML),
		(rs.avg_duration * rs.count_executions) as total_duration,
	FROM #QueryList ql
	INNER JOIN sys.query_store_query_text qt
		ON qt.query_text_id = ql.query_text_id
	LEFT JOIN sys.query_store_runtime_stats rs
		ON rs.plan_id = ql.plan_id
	LEFT JOIN sys.query_store_runtime_stats_interval rsi
		ON rsi.runtime_stats_interval_id = rs.runtime_stats_interval_id
		rsi.end_time > @StartDate

EXEC dbo.QS_GetProcedurePerfDetails
  @Schema_Object = 'dbo.User_GetByReputation',
  @StartDate = '2023-05-24';

I’m checking to see if the compatibility level is at least 160 as a way to see if we are on SQL Server 2022 or not. Of course, we could be using SQL Server 2022 with a lower compatibility level, but the sys.query_store_query_variant table would be empty in that case.

The key is to have an initial step to get the queries and plans we want. This has a LEFT JOIN to sys.query_store_query_variant in case there are variant queries to consider. We join to get the other details for the variant (the query_text_id, plan_id, and the plan itself) if they exist.

I’m throwing those initial results in a temp table to use in the final query. I’ve also found in my testing that splitting this operation in two helps to prevent the plan from getting too large and sluggish.

The temp table is populated with the details of the variant query and its “Query Variant Plan”, if present, but if they are NULL we use the details of what must be a normal query with a “Compiled Plan”.

From here, you can also get more complex and include options to aggregate the Query Store details or include more columns, but this should solidify how to incorporate sys.query_store_query_variant into your scripts.

In Summary

This is something I’ve been working on for a while. It became obvious to me months ago that we needed to include this logic at work so that our own Query Store aggregation wouldn’t suddenly miss a lot of executions.

Hopefully, this post will help some readers to avoid this pitfall.

You can follow me on Twitter (@sqljared) and contact me if you have questions. My other social media links are at the top of the page. Also, let me know if you have any suggestions for a topic for a new blog post.


As I pointed out in my next post, the join I originally made to sys.query_store_query_variant was incorrect. If you only join based on the query_id, the result set gets multiplied. Each variant query is shown as related to all plans for the parent query, even “compiled plan” type plans which do not use PSPO at all.

I’ve updated the scripts above in two places, but wanted to call that out.

Parameter sniffing (for the uninitiated)

Parameter sniffing is a well-known issue within SQL Server. Imagine you have a query that can return a wildly varying number of rows. For example, a query that returns all orders in your system for a given customer. Most of your customers have a few orders, several have a lot, and one huge customer has tons of orders.

When the query is executed for the first time, SQL Server will estimate the number of rows the query will return based on the customer_id and create a plan based on that estimate.

If you wanted the details for a small account, the plan will be optimized for a small number of rows (assuming your statistics are accurate) and will be more likely to have nested loops and key lookups. Those operations are fine for small result sets but less efficient for large result sets.

If you called to get details for your largest account, you’ll get a plan that is optimized for a huge number of rows; likely using an index\table scan or maybe a hash match join instead of nested loops.

But the plan will be compiled for the first execution, and hopefully reused after that. If the plan is geared toward a small result set, it will perform poorly for the large account, and vice versa.

You can minimize the effect of parameter sniffing using WITH RECOMPILE or OPTIMIZE FOR hints, but look at an example of parameter sniffing using WideWorldImporters.

USE WideWorldImporters
	@CustomerID INT

	FROM Sales.Orders so
		so.CustomerID = @CustomerID;

I added some more data to the table, all under one CustomerID, to change its statistics. CustomerID 90 has been very busy.

If I run this simple procedure for CustomerID 13, we’ll get a plan well suited to it, and the estimates are accurate.

EXEC Sales.GetOrders @CustomerID = 13; -- 13 or 90

If we try again but with CustomerID 90, we use the same plan and estimate the same number of rows. But nested loops and a key lookup probably shouldn’t be the plan when we are returning over 100,000 rows.

This is an example of parameter sniffing. Our plan is going to be defined largely by the parameters we use when the procedure gets compiled.

Variant Queries

Parameter Sensitive Plan Optimization attempts to solve the parameter sniffing issue by allowing a query to have different plans that are used based on the cardinality of one important parameter. The parent query has a plan that is really just a stub; there can be up to three variant queries that have full execution plans. When the query is executed, the optimizer chooses which variant query and plan to use based on the cardinality of the parameter’s value.

The plans for the parent and variant queries all indicate that PSPO is in use, and show the boundaries for the parameter. There is a low boundary and a high boundary. If the value provided for the parameter should return a small number of rows, less than the low boundary, the appropriate plan is used. If the cardinality for that value is between the two boundaries, another plan is used. If the cardinality is above the high boundary, the third plan is used.


I tried several times but was unable to get PSPO to kick in on this table in WideWorldImporters, so I shifted to using the StackOverflow2013 database.

USE StackOverflow2013;
EXEC DropIndexes;
	FROM sys.indexes si
		name = 'IX_User_Reputation'
	CREATE INDEX IX_User_Reputation ON dbo.Users(Reputation);
  @Reputation int
	FROM dbo.Users u

I’ve seen a few other blogs use Reputation as an example, and it seems its histogram is in a good state for the optimizer to choose PSPO.

You can see from the query text at the top of the plan that the system has added an OPTION hint for “PLAN PER VALUE”. This is specifying which of the variant plans to use for this parameter.

If you look in the XML, you will also see a block like this one when PSPO is in use:

<StmtSimple StatementCompId="4" StatementEstRows="7173" StatementId="1" StatementOptmLevel="FULL" CardinalityEstimationModelVersion="160" StatementSubTreeCost="21.8786" StatementText="SELECT &#xD;&#xA;		u.AccountId,&#xD;&#xA;		u.DisplayName,&#xD;&#xA;		u.Views,&#xD;&#xA;		u.CreationDate&#xD;&#xA;	FROM dbo.Users u&#xD;&#xA;	WHERE &#xD;&#xA;		u.Reputation=@Reputation option (PLAN PER VALUE(ObjectID = 1237579447, QueryVariantID = 2, predicate_range([StackOverflow2013].[dbo].[Users].[Reputation] = @Reputation, 100.0, 1000000.0)))" StatementType="SELECT" QueryHash="0x08FD84B17223204C" QueryPlanHash="0x2127C7766B9DDB3C" RetrievedFromCache="true" StatementSqlHandle="0x0900A6524A0ECC5A61EA55C6320D3963E1D20000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" DatabaseContextSettingsId="1" ParentObjectId="0" StatementParameterizationType="1" SecurityPolicyApplied="false">
            <ParameterSensitivePredicate LowBoundary="100" HighBoundary="1000000">
              <StatisticsInfo Database="[StackOverflow2013]" Schema="[dbo]" Table="[Users]" Statistics="[IX_User_Reputation]" ModificationCount="0" SamplingPercent="100" LastUpdate="2023-05-19T14:04:14.91" />
                <ScalarOperator ScalarString="[StackOverflow2013].[dbo].[Users].[Reputation] as [u].[Reputation]=[@Reputation]">
                  <Compare CompareOp="EQ">
                        <ColumnReference Database="[StackOverflow2013]" Schema="[dbo]" Table="[Users]" Alias="[u]" Column="Reputation" />
                        <ColumnReference Column="@Reputation" />

The “ScalarOperator ScalarString” shows us the column and parameter our plan optimization is focusing on. We can see the index\statistic being used after the StatisticsInfo clause a few lines above; it also shows the sampling rate for that statistic.

The LowBoundary and HighBoundary values define the three ranges for parameter-sensitive plan optimization. If the optimizer estimates rows below the LowBoundary (which has always been 100 in examples I have seen), we will use the first variant. If the estimate is between the boundaries, we use the second. If it’s above the HighBoundary (which has been 100,000 or 1,000,000 in every case I’ve seen), we use the third.

In this case, we used VariantID 2 because we estimated 7173 rows.

One Problem

But as Brent Ozar points out here, there is still parameter sniffing going on. And if you are reading about the subject here, you should also read Brent’s post.

The low boundary I’ve always seen is 100, but there may be some variety there. So, if a query is executed using PSPO with a parameter that has a cardinality of less than 100, SQL Server will use the plan for that smallest range. If the parameter leads to an estimate of 5 rows, we’ll compile and execute that query and reuse the plan for subsequent low cardinality parameters. If the query is executed again with a parameter that should read 80 rows, we’ll use the same plan. But I would expect the optimal plan for those two parameters to be the same, or at least fairly similar. Nested loops and a key lookup won’t hurt here, since we aren’t talking about many rows in either case.

I would think the same for the high boundary, which I’ve seen as 100,000 or 1,000,000 in every case I’ve seen so far. Let’s assume the high boundary is 100,000. If the query is executed, and we estimate 250,000 rows to be returned, we’re likely to have a plan with a scan or hash match in it; maybe we’ll see parallelism. If the query is executed again and 1.5 million rows are expected, the plan is likely to be similar even if the memory allocation is too low.

My concern is for the middle range. A plan intended when we estimate 200 rows to be returned should be very different from a plan expecting 90,000 rows. So it seems more likely that there will be parameter sniffing in that middle range because there’s a large relative difference between the cardinality values within that range. So if parameter sniffing has a minimal effect on the high and low ranges, the improvement made by PSPO for a given query will depend on how many values fall into that middle range.


I wanted to do a post on the topic as is, before going into a problem that is potentially serious. I’ll cover that in the next post where I will talk about the changes in Query Store related to Parameter Sensitive Plan Optimization. There are changes in other system tables, but I will focus on Query Store because I use it daily.

You can follow me on Twitter (@sqljared) and contact me if you have questions. My other social media links are at the top of the page. Also, let me know if you have any suggestions for a topic for a new blog post.

When I saw the Halloween problem for the first time, I was trying to optimize the UPDATE statement in an upsert proc. I had suspected many of the changes to the table were redundant; we were setting the value equal to its current value. We are still doing all the effort of a write to change nothing. The original query was something like this:

/* Original update */
	ex.value = CASE WHEN @op = 1 THEN tvp.value
		ELSE ex.value + tvp.value END
FROM dbo.Example ex
INNER JOIN @tvp tvp
	ON tvp.AccountID = ex.AccountID
	AND tvp.ProductID = ex.ProductID
	AND tvp.GroupID = ex.GroupID
	ex.AccountID = @AccountID
	AND ex.ProductID = @ProductID;

So, I added a WHERE clause to prevent us from updating the row unless we were actually changing the data. If this meant we would write fewer rows, I expected the query would run faster. Instead, the duration and CPU usage increased significantly.

/* WHERE clause changed */
	ex.value = CASE WHEN @op = 1 THEN tvp.value
		ELSE ex.value + tvp.value END
FROM dbo.Example ex
INNER JOIN @tvp tvp
	ON tvp.AccountID = ex.AccountID
	AND tvp.ProductID = ex.ProductID
	AND tvp.GroupID = ex.GroupID
	ex.AccountID = @AccountID
	AND ex.ProductID = @ProductID
	AND ex.value <> CASE WHEN @op = 1 THEN tvp.value
		ELSE ex.value + tvp.value END;

After discussing with a colleague, we suspected the Halloween problem. So, I read up on the subject and tried to come up with a different optimization for the statement.

I was interested in the idea that the SQL Server optimizer was trying to separate the read phase of the query from the write phase. The eager spool gives SQL Server a complete list of rows it needs to update, preventing the Halloween problem. But the protections made the query take longer.


Well, if SQL Server is trying to separate the read from the write, why don’t I just do that myself? I had the idea to read the data I needed in an INSERT…SELECT statement, writing into a memory-optimized table variable (motv). I could make sure the read included all the columns I need to calculate the new value, including the CASE statement I had in the SET clause of the UPDATE.

I thought of this as Manual Halloween protections but later found Paul White had coined the term about 5 years earlier (look near the bottom of that article).

Why a motv and not a temp table? I found previously that using a temp table in this procedure, which ran hundreds of millions of times per day in our environment, caused a lot of tempdb contention. A table variable would have a similar effect, but not if it is memory-optimized.

This was an upsert procedure, so we will try to update all the rows that correspond to the TVP passed in, and we will insert any rows that don’t exist. Originally, the procedure ran the UPDATE and the INSERT each time, but we already found that we inserted no records the vast majority of the time.


If I query the data into the motv, we can use the motv to decide whether we need to UPDATE or INSERT at all.

/* Manual Halloween; populating the motv */
	CASE WHEN @op = 1 THEN tvp.value
		ELSE ex.value + tvp.value END
		AS new_value
FROM @tvp tvp
LEFT LOOP JOIN dbo.Example ex
	ON ex.AccountID = tvp.AccountID
	AND ex.ProductID = tvp.ProductID
	AND ex.GroupID = tvp.GroupID
	ex.AccountID = @AccountID
	AND ex.ProductID = @ProductID;

I wrote this with a specific join order in mind and used the LOOP JOIN hint to fix the join order as I wrote it, while ensuring we didn’t use a different join type. The table-valued parameter (tvp) input is very likely to have only a few rows in it; less than 5 in almost all cases.

I used a LEFT join as well to account for the possibility that the row isn’t present in the underlying table. If that row doesn’t exist, the ex.value written into the motv will be NULL, and that will indicate we need to insert this row.

But first, let’s look at the update:

/* Manual Halloween; check, maybe UPDATE the base table */
	FROM @motv motv
		motv.value <> motv.new_value
		ex.value = motv.new_value
	FROM @motv motv
	LEFT LOOP JOIN dbo.Example ex
		ON ex.AccountID = motv.AccountID
		AND ex.ProductID = motv.ProductID
		AND ex.GroupID = motv.GroupID
		motv.value <> motv.new_value;

In this case, where we may need to UPDATE or INSERT (but not both for a given row) but also where we suspect the data may not be changing at all, we don’t necessarily have to run the UPDATE statement. First, we query the motv to see if any rows have a value that has changed. If not, we skip the UPDATE.

And I think I should linger on the WHERE clause. The motv.value could be NULL; how does that comparison work? If you compare NULL to a real value, the result is not true or false, it is NULL. Returning NULL for that row won’t cause us to run the UPDATE, which is the correct behavior; we need to INSERT that row.

/* Manual Halloween; check, maybe INSERT the base table */
	FROM @motv motv
		motv.value IS NULL
	FROM @motv motv
		motv.value IS NULL;

But we only need to INSERT for the rows where that value is NULL.


So, why was this an improvement in this case? There are several points, some I only thought of recently.

  • Using Manual Halloween made it easy to reduce the writes to the underlying table for the UPDATE, saving a lot of effort.
  • The INSERT statement was also skipped the vast majority of the time.
  • Skipping a statement also meant we didn’t run the associated trigger. We also skip foreign key validation on the statement, which can also be quite expensive.
  • Fewer writes means fewer X locks on the table, making it less likely we could have contention in a very busy object.
  • The separate INSERT SELECT will read the data from the table using SH locks since we know we aren’t writing to the table in that statement.
  • The motv uses optimistic concurrency, and we aren’t writing data to a disk for that operation.

In this case, the UPDATE statement only executed 4% of the time the procedure was called. For the INSERT, that number was less than 2%. I wasn’t surprised that the INSERT was unnecessary most of the time; you only insert a row once. I was surprised by how often the lack of an UPDATE indicated the data passed in was unchanged. But we knew this activity was customer-driven and had seen data passed in repeatedly in other places.

In other cases, the Manual Halloween approach may be very effective if the data is redundant. The reduced contention from the fewer writes may also have been a big factor in the improvement. The redundant data may be a very unusual circumstance, though.

It may also be helpful if when there are multiple statements, like in an upsert procedure, where only one is necessary for a given row.


I have found the Halloween problem fascinating since I was introduced to it, but I’m done with the subject for now. I’ll likely be talking about Query Store next time.

You can follow me on Twitter (@sqljared) and contact me if you have questions. My other social media links are at the top of the page.

Update and Correction:

This blog was originally posted on February 20. Since then I read other articles that suggested different behavior with the Halloween Problem. I contacted Paul White, who informed me that the WideWorldImporters database uses compatibility level 130 (SQL Server 2016) by default. So, I tested on a SQL Server 2019 instance but was probably seeing an issue addressed in later updates.

I tested again at compatibility level 150 and saw a different execution plan which led to different conclusions.

I’ve left the majority of the post unchanged, but I’m adding an addendum section, and updating the summary and its conclusions. So, make sure you read those sections for the corrections.

Original Post:

I find myself talking about the Halloween Problem a lot and wanted to fill in some more details on the subject. In short, the Halloween Problem is a case where an INSERT\UPDATE\DELETE\MERGE operates on a row more than once, or tries to and fails. In the first recorded case, an UPDATE changed multiple rows in the table more than once.

So let’s take a look at an example using a publicly available database, WideWorldImporters.

A Halloween Problem example

Here’s a simple update procedure. We’re going to update the quantity for an item in the Sales.OrderLines table:

CREATE OR ALTER PROCEDURE Sales.OrderLines_UpdateQuantity
	@OrderID INT,
	@StockItemID INT,
	@Quantity INT

		sol.Quantity = @Quantity,
		sol.PickedQuantity = @Quantity
	FROM Sales.OrderLines sol
		sol.OrderID = @OrderID
		AND sol.StockItemID = @StockItemID;
		-- AND sol.Quantity <> @Quantity;

You may notice the commented line. In one description of the Halloween Problem I heard\read, it was suggested that if we try to SET something that is in our WHERE clause the problem is likely to occur. Or rather, SQL Server will see the possibility of the problem and add protections to our execution plan to prevent it.

First, let’s test without that line, and see what our execution plan tells us.

EXEC Sales.OrderLines_UpdateQuantity
	@OrderID = 5,
	@StockItemID = 155,
	@Quantity = 21;
Note the eager spool

The eager spool between our index reads and clustered index update shows that SQL Server added Halloween protections to prevent the problem. The problem is prevented by separating the read phase of the query from the write phase.

This usually involves a blocking operator. Most often this is an eager spool, but if there is another blocking operator in the plan like a sort or hash match, that blocking operator may remove the need for a separate spool.

The Halloween Problem would occur if a query is running in row mode and as rows are still being read, rows are being updated and moved in an index. This allows the read operation to potentially read the updated row again and operate on it again. The index movement is key in this scenario.

But with a blocking operator between the read operation and the write, we force all the reads to complete first. This gives us a complete, distinct list of rows to be updated (in this example) before we get to the clustered index update, so it isn’t possible to update the same row twice.

So, how does index movement come into play here? We are updating the Quantity and PickedQuantity columns in our UPDATE statement. Both fields are key columns in the only columnstore index on the table, NCCX_Sales_OrderLines.


So when we update these columns, the affected rows will move in that index. If the row moves, that means a read operation could continue reading and find the same row again, returning it as a part of its result set a second time.

Interestingly, we aren’t reading from the columnstore index in the plan provided. Since that’s the only index containing these columns as key values, it’s the only index where the rows should move. In this case, our read operators shouldn’t encounter updated rows a second time, since they use the FK_Sales_OrderLines_OrderID (with a key lookup against PK_Sales_OrderLines).

I wonder if SQL Server decided the Halloween protections were needed before it decided which index it would use for the read.

Removing the index

Either way, if we dropped the NCCX_Sales_OrderLines index, we should see a plan without an eager spool between the read operators and the update operator.

	FROM sys.indexes si
		si.name = 'NCCX_Sales_OrderLines'
	DROP INDEX [NCCX_Sales_OrderLines]
		ON Sales.OrderLines;

With the index removed, let’s look at the new plan.


We’ve lost the extra steps to the left of the clustered index update operator to update the columnstore index, and we have also lost the eager spool between the read operators and the update operator. This shows without the index movement, Halloween protections are no longer needed.

Performance impact of protections

Let’s look at the data from Query Store to see how big the difference is between the two execution plans.

I ran a simple query against the same OrderID in Sales.OrderLines before running the procedure before and after the index change to get the data into the cache (because cold cache issues were making a large difference). I also ran the procedure 10 times to try to average out our results in case any odd wait types were seen.

80 microseconds versus 46 microseconds. Blazing fast in both cases with the data already cached, but the plan with Halloween protections took 74% longer. Unsure if the update to a columnstore index is significantly more expensive than that of a rowstore index. Perhaps we should test this again without columnstore complicating the issue.

Speaking in general, I would expect a bigger difference in a query affecting more rows. For a query that only returns 3 rows from the first index seek, the delay caused by the spool would be very small. But imagine if we have a query that reads tens or hundreds of thousands of rows before performing its write operation.

Normally such a query would be passing rows it has read up to the join and update operators while it is continuing to read. Those operations would be happening on different threads in parallel.1

If we are being protected from the Halloween Problem, the eager spool will not return any rows to the operations above it (like the clustered index update) until all rows have been read. So the writes cannot start until much later, and the more rows being read the more considerable the delay.

Nonclustered indexes?

If you noticed the “+3 non-clustered indexes” banner in one of the plans above, that’s indicating the nonclustered indexes updated when we updated the clustered index. This is more obvious in Plan Explorer than in the plans as shown in SQL Server Management Studio. So, I wanted to point that out in case the visual was confusing to anyone.

But this raises another question. If we are updating those indexes, why don’t they cause the Halloween protections to be used?

That is because the quantity columns are present in those indexes only as included columns. Changes to those columns won’t affect where the row sorts, but the values still need to be updated.

Rowstore testing

So, let’s see how this looks with a rowstore index. Here’s a second procedure, similar to the first but also updating PickingCompletedWhen.

CREATE OR ALTER PROCEDURE Sales.OrderLines_UpdateQuantityWhen
	@OrderID INT,
	@StockItemID INT,
	@Quantity INT

		sol.Quantity = @Quantity,
		sol.PickedQuantity = @Quantity,
		sol.PickingCompletedWhen = GETUTCDATE()
	FROM Sales.OrderLines sol
		sol.OrderID = @OrderID
		AND sol.StockItemID = @StockItemID
		AND sol.PickingCompletedWhen < GETUTCDATE();

Initially, no index uses PickingCompletedWhen. So if we execute the procedure as is, we shouldn’t see the tell-tale eager spool.

EXEC Sales.OrderLines_UpdateQuantityWhen
	@OrderID = 5,
	@StockItemID = 155,
	@Quantity = 21;

This plans is what we’d expect. If we add an index, how does this change the plan and how does this change the performance?

	FROM sys.indexes si
		si.name = 'IX_OrderLines_OrderID_StockItemID_PickingCompletedWhen'
	CREATE INDEX IX_OrderLines_OrderID_StockItemID_PickingCompletedWhen
		ON Sales.OrderLines (OrderID, StockItemID, PickingCompletedWhen);

Here, we see the eager spool implementing the Halloween protections again, but between the index seek and the key lookup. Note that the new index is the one we are using for the index seek. The clustered index update now indicates it is updating 4 nonclustered indexes, including the new index.

So, is the performance difference as stark as it was with the columnstore index?

So, 52 µs vs 118 µs. The query took about ~126% longer when the Halloween protections were present. More than we saw with the columnstore index, which is surprising. Perhaps it is relevant that we are updating a third field. It almost feels like the observer effect at this scale.


So, to correct things here, let’s go back to the first procedure.

CREATE OR ALTER PROCEDURE Sales.OrderLines_UpdateQuantity
	@OrderID INT,
	@StockItemID INT,
	@Quantity INT

		sol.Quantity = @Quantity,
		sol.PickedQuantity = @Quantity
	FROM Sales.OrderLines sol
		sol.OrderID = @OrderID
		AND sol.StockItemID = @StockItemID;
		-- AND sol.Quantity <> @Quantity;

If I run this procedure again with the restored database and no other changes besides updating the compatibility level to 150, I see the following execution plan:

So, we have no eager spool, which means the Halloween Problem isn’t a problem now.

Previously, there was a spool between the index seek and lookup and the clustered index update. The only index using any of the updated fields as a key value was the columnstore index. This suggested that the optimizer will use Halloween protections if any index uses the updated fields as a key value because the rows would be moved in that index.

This new plan disproves that because the optimizer no longer uses the protections with the later compatibility level. And the columnstore index (NCCX_Sales_OrderLines) is still present (as you can see if you hover over the clustered index update operator).

As for the second procedure, I see the Halloween protections even without the index I added in my example. Without that index, the query originally used the FK_Sales_OrderLines_OrderID index to seek the rows in question. At the higher compatibility level, the IX_Sales_OrderLines_Perf_20160301_02 index is used, which is keyed on (StockItemID, PickingCompletedWhen).

So, the Halloween protections are used because we read from an index keyed on one of the updated fields, and rows being updated will potentially move in that index.

We’ve seen the Halloween protections when using nonclustered indexes so far, but what if we are using the clustered index for the read?

I wrote a quick procedure to change the OrderLineID, which is the only column in the clustered primary key for this table. And this matches expectations; we see the eager spool between the clustered index seek and the update operator.


Hopefully, the addendum corrects the matter while keeping things clear. I’m updating one of the bullet points below, as well.

It seems there are only two criteria for the protections against the Halloween Problem to be used for an UPDATE query:

  1. The object being updated must also be in the query.
  2. A column being updated must be a key column in at least one index on the table. One of the updated columns must be a key value in the index used for the read portion of the query, so that the rows may move in that index.

For other statements, the setup is more complex. I find the UPDATE statement is the most straightforward example of the Halloween Problem. But you can see the protections in place if you query from a table as part of an INSERT or DELETE (or MERGE) where you change that same table.

And if we see Halloween protections in the plan for a query, we could change the offending index or the query to change the behavior.

Or we could use the manual Halloween technique, which I will discuss next time.

Thanks again to Paul White for pointing out the compatibility level; I doubt that would ever have occurred to me.

Please contact me if you have any questions or comments. I’ve updated my social media links above to include Counter.Social and Mastodon. We’ll see if there is more #sqlfamily activity on those platforms going forward.


1: Not the type of parallelism we typically think of with SQL Server. Parallelism is typically when a given operation, like an index scan, is expected to process many rows, and SQL Server dedicates multiple threads to that operator or group of operators. In this case, I say parallel because different operators (the index seek, nested loops join, and clustered index update) are all processing rows at the same time, one row at a time.

Tempdb contention has long been an issue in SQL Server, and there are many blogs on the issue already. But I wanted to add one more mainly to highlight the improvements in recent versions of SQL Server

Tempdb contention is most often discussed in as relating to the creation of temp tables (and other objects) in tempdb. If you are experiencing this you will see PAGELATCH_EX or PAGELATCH_SH waits, frequently with wait resources like 2:1:1 or 2:1:3. This indicates contention in database 2 (tempdb), page 1 (the first data file in tempdb), and one of the PFS, GAM, or SGAM pages (which are pages 1, 2, and 3 respectively). Tempdb files of sufficient size will have additional PFS, GAM, and SGAM pages at higher page numbers, but 1 and 3 are the pages most often referenced.

Temp tables aren’t the only objects being created in tempdb. Table variables are as well unless they are memory-optimized. There are also worktables for sorts, spools, and cursors. Hash operations can spill to disk and are written into tempdb. Row versions are written into tempdb for things like read committed snapshot isolation, and triggers make use of row versioning as well. For more details, check out this excellent post by David Pless.

Before recent releases, there were three main suggestions for reducing tempdb contention.

  • Trace flags (1118 and 1117)
  • More tempdb files
  • Create fewer objects in tempdb

Honestly, I don’t think the third was even included in a lot of the blogs on the subject, and it is very important. Many of the actions that use tempdb can’t be avoided, but I tend to use memory-optimized table variables instead of temp tables the vast majority of the time.

In one case a few years ago, I replaced the memory-optimized table variables in one very frequently executed stored procedure with temp tables to see if using temp tables would result in better execution plans. This procedure was executed about 300 million times per day across several SQL Server instances using similar databases, and the procedure used 4 temp tables. The plans didn’t matter; creating 1.2 billion more temp tables per day added far too much tempdb contention.

But the main point of this post is to help everyone catch up on the topic, and see how more recent versions of SQL Server improve on this issue.

Improvements in SQL Server 2016

SQL Server 2016 introduced several improvements that help reduce tempdb contention.

The most obvious is that setup will create multiple files by default, one per logical server up to eight. That bakes in one of the main recommendations for reducing tempdb contention, so it’s a welcome improvement.

There are also behavior changes that include the behavior of trace flags 1117 and 1118. All tempdb data files grow at the same time and by the same amount by default, which removes the need for trace flag 1117. And all tempdb allocations use uniform extents instead of mixed extents, removing the need for trace flag 1118.

So, that’s another recommendation for reducing tempdb contention already in place.

Several other changes also improve caching (reducing page latch and metadata contention), reduce the logging for tempdb operation, and reduce the usage of update locks.
For the full list, check here.

Improvements in SQL Server 2019

The big change here is the introduction of memory-optimized tempdb metadata. The documentation here says that this change (which is not enabled by default, you will need to run an ALTER SERVER CONFIGURATION statement and restart) “effectively removes” the bottleneck from tempdb metadata contention.

However, this post by Marisa Mathews indicates the memory-optimized tempdb metadata improvement in SQL Server 2019 removed most contention in PFS pages caused by concurrent updates. This is done by allowing the updates to occur with a shared latch (see the “Concurrent PFS updates” entry here).

Tempdb contention seen in sp_WhoIsActive output

One thing I would point out is that the metadata is being optimized here; the temp tables you create are not memory-optimized and will still be written to the storage under tempdb as usual.

Improvements in SQL Server 2022

The post above also indicates that SQL Server 2022 reduces contention in the GAM and SGAM pages by allowing these pages to be updated with a shared lock rather than an update log.

The issue with the PFS, GAM, and SGAM pages has always been the need for an exclusive latch on those pages when an allocation takes place. If 20 threads are trying to create a temp table, 19 of them get to wait. The suggestion to add more data files to tempdb was a way to get around access to these pages being serialized; adding more files gives you more of these pages to spread the allocation operations across.

In Summary

The gist is that tempdb contention has been nearly eliminated in SQL Server 2022. There are still several other actions that use tempdb, and you may see contention if have a niche workload or use a lot of worktables.

Hopefully, this post will help you decide if it’s time for an upgrade. If you have been seeing tempdb contention on these common pages, the latest release should be a major improvement.

Feel free to contact me with any questions or let me know of any suggestions you may have for a post.

Wanted to point out a few more good articles and a video on the subject that you may enjoy.

I’ve discussed the other two join types, so what is the niche for the third?

Before we get into how it works and what my experience is I want to mention a response to my last blog, because it leads into our topic.

Addendum on Hash Match Joins

My last blog post was on hash match joins, and Kevin Feasel had a response on his blog.

Hash matches aren’t inefficient; they are the best way to join large result sets together. The caveat is that you have a large result set, and that itself may not be optimal. Should it be returning this many rows? Have you included all the filters you can? Are you returning columns you don’t need?

Jared Poche

I might throw in one caveat about hash match joins and being the best performers for two really large datasets joining together: merge join can be more efficient so long as both sets are guaranteed to be ordered in the same way without an explicit sort operator. That last clause is usually the kicker.

Kevin Feasel, Curated SQL

And he is quite correct. Nested loops perform better than hash match with smaller result sets, and hash match performs better on large result sets.

Merge joins should be more efficient than both when the two sources are sorted in the same order. So merge joins can be great, but the caveat is that you will rarely have two sources that are already sorted in the same order. So if you were looking for the tldr version of this blog, this paragraph is it.

How Merge Joins Operate

Merge joins traverse both inputs once, advancing a row at a time and comparing the values from each input. Since they are in the same order, this is very efficient. We don’t have to pay the cost to create a hash table, and we don’t have the much larger number of index seeks nested loops would encounter.

The process flows like this:

  1. Compare the current values from each data source.
  2. If they match, add the joined row to the result set, and get the next value from both sources.
  3. If not, get the next row from the data source with the lower sorted value.
  4. If there are no more rows from either source, the operation ends.
  5. Otherwise, return to step 1 with the new input.

At this point, I would create a great visual for this, but one already exists. So let me refer you a post by Bert Wagner. The video has a great visualization of the process

Input Independence

I find nested loops is probably the easiest join to understand, so I want to draw a distinction here. Using nested loops, we would get a row from the first source then seek the index against the second to get all rows related to the row from the first source. So, our ability to seek from the second depends on the first.

A merge join seeks from both independently, taking in rows and comparing them in order. So in addition to the requirement (with exception) that the sources have to be in the same order, we need a filter we can use for each source. The ON clause does not give us the filter for the second table, we need something else.

Here’s an example query and plan:

USE WideWorldImporters
FROM Sales.Invoices inv
INNER JOIN Sales.InvoiceLines invl
	ON invl.InvoiceID = inv.InvoiceID
	inv.InvoiceID < 50;

Both Invoices and InvoiceLines have indexes based on InvoiceID, so the data should already be in order. So this should be a good case for a merge (the nested loops below is because of the key lookup on InvoiceLines). But SQL Server’s optimizer still chose nested loops for this query.

I can hint it to get the behavior I expected, and that plan is below.

The estimates are way off for the Invoices table, which is odd considering we are seeking on the primary key’s only column; one would expect that estimate to be more accurate. But this estimate causes the cost for the seek against Invoices to be more expensive, so the optimizer chose the other plan. It makes sense.

I updated the statistics, and a different plan was chosen. One with a hash match.


In that case, the difference in cost was directly the cost of the join operator itself; the cost of the merge join operator was 3x the cost of the hash match operator.

Even if the merge is more efficient, it seems it’s being estimated as being more costly, and specifically for CPU cost. You’re likely to see merge joins much less often than the other two types because of the sort requirement; how it is estimated may also be a factor.

About that sort

The first several times I saw a merge join in an execution plan, the merge was basically the problem with the query. It gave me the impression at the time that merge joins aren’t great in general. But in those cases, the execution plan had a sort after one of the index operations and before the join. Sure, the merge join requires that the two sources be sorted in the same order, but SQL Server could always use a sort operator (expensive as they are) to make that an option.

This seems like an odd choice to make, so let’s consider the following query:

USE WideWorldImporters
FROM Sales.Invoices inv
INNER JOIN Sales.InvoiceLines invl
	ON invl.InvoiceID = inv.InvoiceID
	inv.InvoiceDate < DATEADD(month, -12, getutcdate());

So, this query does a merge join between the two, but there is a sort on the second input. We scan the index, then sort the data to match the other import before we perform the actual join. A sort operator is going to be a large cost to add into our execution plan, so why did the optimizer choose this plan?

This is a bad query, and the optimizer is trying to create a good plan for it. This may explain many other situations where I have seen a sorted merge. The query is joining the two tables on InvoiceID, and the only filter is on Invoices.InvoiceDate. There is no index on Invoices.InvoiceDate, so it’s a given we’ll scan that table.

If this query used nested loops, we could use the InvoiceID for each record from Invoices to seek a useful index against InvoiceLines, but that would mean we perform 151,578 seeks against that table.

A merge join, even if we have to sort the results from the table, would allow us to perform one index operation instead. But a merge join has to seek independently from the other source, and no other filter is available. So we perform an index scan against the second table as well.

This is probably the best among poor options. To really improve this query, you’d need to add an index or change the WHERE clause.

It took some time for me to realize why I most often saw merge joins in poor execution plans; I wasn’t seeing all the plans using them that perform well. If you are troubleshooting a high CPU situation, when you find the cause you’ll likely be looking at bad plan. We don’t tend to look for the best performing query on the server, do we?

So, if merge join is more efficient than the other two join types in general, we are less likely to be looking at queries where it is being used effectively.


Hopefully I’ll be getting back to a more regular schedule for the blog. There’s been a number of distractions (an estate sale, mice, etc), but life has been more calm of late (mercifully).

I spoke at the two PASS Summit virtual events over the last two years, and this year I am happy to be presenting in person at PASS Data Community SUMMIT for the first time. So if you are interested in how you can use memory-optimized table variables to improve performance on your system, look out for that session.

When I began working at Microsoft, I was very much a novice at performance troubleshooting. There was a lot to learn, and hash match joins were pointed out to me multiple times as the potential cause for a given issue. So, for a while I had it in my head, “hash match == bad”. But this really isn’t the case.

Hash matches aren’t inefficient; they are the best way to join large result sets together. The caveat is that you have a large result set, and that itself may not be optimal. Should it be returning this many rows? Have you included all the filters you can? Are you returning columns you don’t need?

If SQL Server is using a hash match operator, it could be a sign that the optimizer is estimating a large result set incorrectly. If the estimates are far off from the actual number of rows, you likely need to update statistics.

Let’s look at how the join operates so we can understand how this differs from nested loops

How Hash Match Joins Operate

Build Input

A hash match join between two tables or result sets starts by creating a hash table. The first input is the build input. As the process reads from the build input, it calculates a hash value for each row in the input and stores them in the correct bucket in the hash table.

Creating the hash table is resource intensive. This is efficient in the long run, but is too much overhead when a small number of rows are involved. In that case, we’re better off with another join, likely nested loops.

If the hash table created is larger than the memory allocation allows, it will “spill” the rest of the table into tempdb. This allows the operation to continue, but isn’t great for performance. We’d rather be reading this out of memory than from tempdb.

The building of the hash table is a blocking operator. This means the normal row mode operation we expect isn’t happening here. We won’t read anything from the second input until we have read all matching rows from the build input and created the hash table. In the query above, our build input is the result of all the operators highlighted in yellow.

Probe Input

Once that is complete, we move on to the second input in the probe phase. Here’s the query I used for the plan above:

USE WideWorldImporters

FROM Sales.Invoices inv
INNER JOIN Sales.InvoiceLines invl
	ON invl.InvoiceID = inv.InvoiceID
	inv.AccountsPersonID = 3002

The build input performed an index seek and key lookup against Sales.Invoices. That’s what the hash table is built on. You can see from the image above that this plan performs a scan against Sales.InvoiceLines. Not great, but let’s look at the details.

There is no predicate or seek predicate, and we are doing a scan. This seems odd if you understand nested loops, because we are joining based on InvoiceID, and there is an index on InvoiceID for this table. But the hash match join operated differently, and doesn’t iterate the rows based on the provided join criteria. The seek\scan against the second table has to happen independently, then we probe the hash table with the data it returns.

If the read against Sales.InvoiceLines table can’t seek based on the join criteria, then we have no filter. We scan the table, reading 490,238 rows. Also unlike a nested loop join, we perform that operation once.

There is a filter operator before the hash match operator. For each row we read of Sales.InvoiceLines, we create a hash value, and check against the hash table for a match. The filter operator reduces our results from 490,238 rows to 751, but doesn’t change the fact that we had to read 490,238 rows to start with.

In the case of this query, I’d want to see if there’s a filter I can apply to the second table. Even if it doesn’t change our join type away from a hash match, if we performed a seek to get the data initially from the second table, it would make a huge difference.

Remember Blocking Operators?

I mentioned the build input turns that branch of our execution plan into a blocking operator. This is something try to call out the normal flow of row mode execution.

With a nested loops join, we would be getting an individual row from the first source, and doing the matching lookup on the second source, and joining those rows before the join operator asked the first source for another row.

Here, our hash match join has to gather all rows from the first source (which here includes the index seek, key lookup, and nested loops join) before we build our hash table. This could significantly affect a query with a TOP clause.

The TOP clause stops the query requesting new rows from the operators underneath it once it has met it’s requirement. This should result in reading less data, but a blocking operator forces us to read all applicable rows first, before we return anything to upstream operators.

So if your TOP query is trying to read a small number of rows but the plan has a hash match in it, you will be likely reading more data that you would with nested loops.


Actual numbers comparing join types would depend a ton on the examples. Nested loops are better for smaller result sets, but if you are expecting several thousand (maybe ten or more) rows read from a table, hash match may be more efficient. Hash matches are more efficient in CPU usage and logical reads as the data size increases.

I’ll be speaking at some user groups and other events over the next few months, but more posts are coming.

As always, I’m open to suggestions on topics for a blog, given that I blog mainly on performance topics. You can follow me on twitter (@sqljared) and contact me if you have questions. You can also subscribe on the right side of this page to get notified when I post.

Have a good night.

There are a lot of things to know to understand execution plans and how they operate. One of the essentials is understanding joins, so I wanted to post about each of them in turn.

The three basic types of join operators are hatch match, merge, and nested loops. In this post, I’m going to focus on the last, and I will post on the other two shortly.

How Nested Loops Operate

Nested loops joins are the join operator you are likely to see the most often. It tends to operate best on smaller data sets, especially when the first of the two tables being joined has a small data set.

In row mode, the first table returns rows one at a time to the join operator. The join operator then performs a seek\scan against the second table for each row passed in from the first table. It searches that table based on the data provided by the first table, and the columns defined in our ON or WHERE clauses.

  • You can’t search the second table independently; you have to have the data from the first table. This is very different for a merge join.
  • A merge join will independently seek or scan two tables, then joins those results. It is very efficient if the results are in the same order so they can be compared more easily.
  • A hash join will seek or scan the second table however it can, then probes the hash table with values from the second table based on the ON clause.

So, if the first table returns 1,000 rows, we won’t perform an index seek (or scan) against the second; we will perform 1,000 seeks (or scans) against that index, looking for any rows that relate to the row from the first table.

The query above joins several table, using nested loops between each. we can see that the row counts for the first several tables are all 1. We read one SalesPerson record, the related SalesTerritory, an Employee record, and a Person record. When we join that to the SalesOrderHeader table, we find 234 related rows. That comes from 1 index seek, as internal result set only had 1 row thus far. If we join to LineItem next, we would perform that seek 234 times.

Key Lookups

The optimizer always uses nested loops for key lookups, so you’ll see them frequently for this purpose. I was unsure if this was the only way key lookups are implemented, but this post from Erik Darling confirms it.

In the plan above, we return 149 rows from OrderLines table. We use a nested loops join operator so we can include the UnitPrice and Description in our output, since they aren’t in the nonclustered index.

Which means we execute the key lookup 149 times. The cost for this operator is 99% of the total query, but the optimizer overestimated how many rows we would return.

I frequently look at key lookups as an opportunity for tuning. If you look at the output for that operator, you can see which columns are causing the key lookup. You can either add those columns to the index you expect this query to use (as included columns), or you can ask whether those columns really need to be included in the query. Either approach will remove the key lookup and the nested loop.


You can direct SQL Server to use nested loops specifically in your query by writing the query with (INNER\LEFT\RIGHT\FULL) LOOP JOIN. This has two effects:

  • Forces the optimizer to use the specified join type. This will only force the join type for that specific join.
  • Sets the join order. This forces the tables to be joined in the order they are written (subqueries from WHERE EXISTS clauses are excluded from this). So this point may affect how the others joins operate.

I’ve blogged about using hints previously, so I won’t go on for long on this subject. I like the phrase “With great power comes great responsibility” when thinking about using hints to get a specific behavior. It can be an effective way to get consistent behavior, but you can make things worse if you don’t test and follow up to confirm it works as intended.


I’ll discuss the other two join types in another post. In short, hash matches are more efficient for large data sets, but the presence of a large data set should make us ask other questions. Merge joins are very efficient when dealing with data from two sources that are already in the same order, which is unlikely in general.

Thanks to everyone who voted for my session in GroupBy. I enjoyed speaking at the event, and had some interesting discussion and questions. I expect recordings for the May event will be available on GroupBy’s Youtube page, so keep an eye out for that if you missed the event.

As always, I’m open to suggestions on topics for a blog, given that I blog mainly on performance topics. You can follow me on twitter (@sqljared) and contact me if you have questions. You can also subscribe on the right side of this page to get notified when I post.

Hope you are all enjoying a long weekend.

In my most recent blog post, I looked at the Query Variation report, which compares the recent performance of queries versus their historical performance to either highlight improvements or regressions in performance. The Waits Variation component does the same, but comparing the recent waits for a query to its historical waits.

One thing to keep in mind, is that if a given query is changed in any way (to change the filter, return additional columns, or include a hint), the changed query will have a different query_id in Query Store. In which case, both the Waits Variation and Query Variation procedures will not compare the historical performance of the old query to the recent performance of the new one.

That being said, let’s look at the dbo.WaitsVariation procedure’s options.

Waits Variation Options

  • @ServerIdentifier: Defaults to the current instance. Set this to gather data from another instance of SQL Server.
  • @DatabaseName: Defaults to the current database. I’m querying data from WideWorldImporters for my examples.
  • @ReportIndex: Default NULL. When used, stores information about the parameters used for the report.
  • @ReportTable: Default NULL. Allows you to store the report data in a table like dbo.WaitsVariationStore, created by the installer.
  • @WaitType: Which wait category are we concerned with? Total by default. [Total, CPU, Lock, Latch, BufferLatch, BufferIO, WorkerThread, NetworkIO, Parallelism…] There are 36 options here, so check the header of dbo.WaitsVariation for the full list.
  • @Metric: Do we want to compare the total wait time for the query, or the average? Avg by default. [Avg, Total]
  • @VariationType: Are we looking for queries that have improved [I] or regressed [R]. ‘R’ by default.
  • @ResultsRowCount: Number of rows to include in the report. Only the largest regressions or improvements are included. Default is 25, and if this value is NULL or negative, the procedure uses the default.
  • @RecentStartTime and @RecentEndTime: Defines what the ‘recent’ period is, which will be compared against the historical. The defaults are 1 hour ago for @RecentStartTime, and now for @RecentEndTime.
  • @HistoryStartTime and @HistoryEndTime: Defines what the ‘history’ period is, which will be compared against the recent. The defaults are 30 days ago for @HistoryStartTime, and 1 hour ago for @HistoryEndTime.
  • @IncludeQueryText: Includes the text for any identified queries in the output. Default is 0.
  • @ExcludeAdhoc: Ignores ad hoc queries, anything that isn’t part of a procedure or other defined object. Default is 0.
  • @ExcludeInternal: Excludes internal queries\operations run by SQL Server itself. Default is 0.
  • @VerboseMode: Default 0. Provides the queries being used in the messages tab.
  • @TestMode: Default 0. When enabled, does everything except actually run the generated queries to create the report.
  • OUTPUT @ReportID: When you @ReportIndex and @ReportTable, a saved report is generated. You can then use the @ReportID to see that report separately.

So, these parameters are very similar to dbo.QueryVariation. You’ll likely want to alter your time parameters, and you could generate multiple reports to check different wait types. Or you could do a regular report for total waits, and review to see which type of wait had the biggest change.

Best Total Wait Improvement

Given that the default is to look for regressions instead of improvements, if I wanted to compare the last two day’s waits to the previous month, I could use the following:

DECLARE @HistoryStartTime	DATETIME2 = DATEADD(DAY, -30, @RecentEndTime);
DECLARE @HistoryEndTime	DATETIME2 = @RecentStartTime;

	EXECUTE [dbo].[WaitsVariation]
		@DatabaseName	= 'WideWorldImporters',
		@WaitType	= 'Total',
		@Metric		= 'Avg',
		@VariationType = 'I',
		@ExcludeAdhoc = 1,
		@HistoryStartTime = @HistoryStartTime,
		@HistoryEndTime	= @HistoryEndTime,
		@RecentStartTime = @RecentStartTime,
		@RecentEndTime = @RecentEndTime;

Choosing ‘Total’ as your @Metric may work for some cases, but would tend to give results with large variation. If a query executed more times in one period than the other, I would expect that period to have more waits.

I ran a workload to generate some activity, and only one query in it regressed, so I’m returning improvements so there’s a little more to look at.

Wait Variation – Improvements

So, the four procs listed had some rather dramatic improvements. We can see the amount of the total wait reduction, and columns for unknown and CPU waits. This is only a portion of the incredibly wide result set. There are history, recent, and variation % columns for each wait type.

We ran this script looking for ‘Total’ as our @WaitType, which means we are sorting and returning the top rows with the most improvement in that area. But it did record the improvement for all wait types. It only takes a little scrolling to find our causes:

Wait Variation – Causes

So, the first procedure had relatively large parallelism waits in its history, compared with none in the recent period. I would argue the variation % should be 100% not 0%, but the logic here may be special to prevent us from diving by 0.

All four procedures had NetworkIO waits. It’s likely the tool I was using to run these queries in a loop was not consuming the results fast enough, causing delays within SQL Server. These queries were taking so long that I used a smaller date range on my more recent calls. Fewer records, less time for the app to consume them, and smaller NetworkIO waits.

One thing I have noticed is that if you use @IncludeQueryText, the text returned is compressed and unreadable. Unless you create a saved report by using the @ReportIndex and @ReportTable options, which leads us to the second procedure.

Waits Variation from Store

If I save the results, there are records in the tables indicated, I can run dbo.WaitsVariationFromStore to read out the header of the report and its details in two result sets.

Waits Variation from Store output

The result set is much more limited, but focuses on the metric we chose. We can see the number of executions, the related object, the change in our totals waits, and the decompressed text for the query itself.

There are only three parameters for this proc, but here’s an example:


	EXECUTE dbo.WaitsVariationFromStore
		@ReportID = 1,
		@VerboseMode = 0,
		@TestMode = 0;

Nearly done

There are two more components to the QDS Dashboard I want to detail, but I may be spreading them out between some other topics I want to blog on.

Time to go update slides for a user group meeting later this week.

If you have any topics related to performance in SQL Server you would like to hear more about, please feel free to make a suggestion. You can follow me on twitter (@sqljared) and contact me if you have questions.

In a recent talk with the Sacramento SQL Server User Group (@SACSQLUG), a question was asked I wanted to address, and the answer seemed more like a short blog than a tweet.

I was presenting on how to use the TOP clause to break down large operations into short, fast, bite-sized operations. The mechanics are things I learned from writing processes that do garbage collection, backfill new columns, and anonymizing PII data on existing tables. I’ve just posted the slides and example scripts here if you are interested.

Are they the same?

The question was whether the SET ROWCOUNT command would work just the same, and the answer is sometimes yes but largely no.

SET ROWCOUNT will limit the number of rows returned by the following statements, and this functions like a connection level setting. It will remain in effect until you change it or clear it by setting the rowcount to 0 (unlimited).

I would be concerned about setting the option and not clearing it, causing it to affect additional statements.

So let’s adapt some of my examples and see how it behaves.

The simple case with SET ROWCOUNT

Here’s a script to return 100 rows from a table in WideWorldImporters.

USE WideWorldImporters
FROM Sales.OrderLines sol 
WHERE sol.OrderLineID < 1000 
	AND sol.UnitPrice > 50;


FROM Sales.OrderLines sol 
WHERE sol.OrderLineID < 1000 
	AND sol.UnitPrice > 50;

Fairly simple, and the plans are much the same.

100 rows, as promised

The only difference is that the TOP operator is missing. But the query is behaving much like it is present. I surmise that the SELECT operator itself is limiting the number of rows by not requesting additional data after the first 100.

Quick aside on Row Mode

SQL Server queries typically operate in row mode. Batch mode is used in some cases with columnstore indexes and can be used on rowstore indexes in SQL Server 2019 and above. But I want to focus on how a query processes in row mode (with thanks to Grant Fritchey for his description of this).

The activity is driven by the root node, in this latest plan the Select operator. It asks the operator under it (the Top operator) to go get a row. The Select operator doesn’t really care how that operator does what it does, it just wants a row. And for the Top operator to do it’s job, it asks the operator below it for the same.

Until we get down to the last Nested Loops operator. It asks the Index Scan operator for a row, and that operator can finally get us some data. It returns a row and, being a join operator, Nested Loops asks the Key Lookup for data related to its row. It joins the results and pass the joined row up to the operator above it.

When data flows up to an operator, it will typically reply, “Now give me another row.”

The Top operator changes this be simply not asking for more rows once it has received the number of rows it needs. So all the activity for the underlying operators stops because the Top hasn’t told it to continue.

In the simple example of my two queries, we can see the Clustered Index Seek only returned 100 rows, then the query ended. It seems with SET ROWCOUNT in effect, the Select operator itself stopped the operation by not requesting more data.

But then it falls apart

Here’s a stored procedure I wrote to delete old records from the Sales.Orders table and all related tables.

USE WideWorldImporters
CREATE OR ALTER PROCEDURE Sales.Orders_GarbageCollection(
@BatchSize INT = 100,
@Duration INT = 30

		@NestedTransaction BIT = 0,
		@EndTime DATETIME;

		OrderID INT,
		INDEX IX_OrdersGC(OrderID)

		InvoiceID INT,
		INDEX IX_InvoicesGC(InvoiceID)



			SET @NestedTransaction = 1;

		SELECT TOP (@BatchSize)
		FROM Sales.Orders so
			so.OrderDate < 
				DATEADD(month, -50, GETUTCDATE());

		DELETE sol
		FROM #OrdersGC gc
		JOIN Sales.OrderLines sol
			ON sol.OrderID = gc.OrderID;
		SELECT --TOP (@BatchSize)
		FROM #OrdersGC gc
		JOIN Sales.Invoices inv
			ON inv.OrderID = gc.OrderID;

			DELETE ctr
			FROM #InvoicesGC inv
			JOIN Sales.CustomerTransactions ctr
				ON ctr.InvoiceID = inv.InvoiceID;

			DELETE sti
			FROM #InvoicesGC inv
			JOIN Warehouse.StockItemTransactions sti
				ON sti.InvoiceID = inv.InvoiceID;

			DELETE invl
			FROM #InvoicesGC inv
			JOIN sales.InvoiceLines invl
				ON invl.InvoiceID = inv.InvoiceID;

		DELETE inv
		FROM #OrdersGC gc
		JOIN Sales.Invoices inv
			ON inv.OrderID = gc.OrderID;

		FROM #OrdersGC gc
		JOIN Sales.Orders so
			ON so.OrderID = gc.OrderID;
		IF @NestedTransaction = 0




EXEC Sales.Orders_GarbageCollection
	@BatchSize = 100,
	@Duration = 5;


--CREATE INDEX IX_Sales_Orders_OrderDate ON Sales.Orders (OrderDate);

This proc identifies 100 rows in Sales.Orders that we want to delete, and puts those OrderIDs in a temp table. We then delete records from related tables based on those OrderIDs, and we similarly delete records related to rows we want to delete from Sales.Invoices. And this procedure was written to loop and keep deleting records for a specified number of seconds.

One key thing to remember is that we only use a TOP clause when we populate the first temp table. We want to delete those 100 rows and everything related to them, not those 100 rows and only 100 related rows from the related tables. If we only delete some of the related rows, our process will fail on a foreign key violation when we try to delete some rows from the Sales.Orders table.

If you were to change this to use a SET ROWCOUNT, you would need to reset that to 0 after the statement inserting into the temp table. If not, the next statement looks like this:


Note the Top operator in this DELETE statement. All is flowing as expected, but then the Top operator shuts this down prematurely. Top only passes on 100 rows, when then get deleted. So, later when we try to DELETE from the Sales.Orders table, we fail because we haven’t deleted all the related rows.

And you could just SET ROWCOUNT 0 once you don’t need it, but I’d be concerned I’d forget to do so and cause issues.

Also, it’s deprecated

If you take a look at the remarks section of the documentation for this statement, there’s something interesting.

Using SET ROWCOUNT will not affect DELETE, INSERT, and UPDATE statements in a future release of SQL Server. Avoid using SET ROWCOUNT with DELETE, INSERT, and UPDATE statements in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use it. For a similar behavior, use the TOP syntax. For more information, see TOP (Transact-SQL).


So they aren’t using the word deprecated here, but it amounts to that. This will stop affecting DELETE, INSERT, and UPDATE statements in future, so you wouldn’t want to write a process using SET ROWCOUNT only to have it fail at some undefined point in the future.

It doesn’t state whether this will also affect MERGE statements, but I’d rather not have to use different syntax on some statements anyway, so I’ll just stick with my TOP clauses.

Happy Holidays

Should have another post or two coming in the next few weeks thanks to some extra time off and not traveling much for the holidays. Hope yours are great.

If you have any topics related to performance in SQL Server you would like to hear more about, please feel free to make a suggestion. You can follow me on twitter (@sqljared) and contact me if you have questions.

Also, subscribe to get emails when I post again.